Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Who's excited for school?
I am! Learnig! Library! Friends! Fun! Responsibility! Writing!
I go to Mountain Ridge Jr. High School, and this year... I'M AN EIGHTH GRADER!!! Here's my schedule...

Semester One
A1- Science
A2- US History
A3- Spanish
A4- Speech and Debate
B1- PE
B2- English
B3- Algebra
B4- Creative Writing

Semester Two
A1- Science
A2- US History
A3- Spanish
A4- Musical Theatre
B1- Keyboarding
B2- English
B3- Algebra
B4- Health

I think I'm most excited about my Musical Theatre, Speech and Debate, and Creative Writing classes. I love those subjects. I'm kind of bummed that I can't have Humanities this year- I really liked that class last year. Keyboarding is something I really need. Then maybe I can type my blog entrees faster.

Quote of Today: "I will not go to school today,"
Insisted Sarah Sue.
"And mother, if you make me,
I will eat a worm or two."

"Like these?" asked her mother.
"They're the juiciest I could find."
"I'm off to school!" said Sarah Sue.
"For I have changed my mind!"


Unknown said...

You're going to love musical theater!! I'm taking drama/theater in the fall. Remember the mother from the movie the rm? she's my drama teacher:):) let me know if you need any help!!

Lizzie said...

Really? I had an acting instructor from the RM. I've never seen it, but I'm sure I could recognize him. We should totally watch that together and then we could point them out. That's so cool, Daryl!