Monday, March 30, 2009

My Most Embarrassing Moment

Ever since Preschool, it's been wetting my pants at the pumpkin patch... until now. I think the fall I took this morning would defiantly beat that.
Yes, the fall.
I couldn't sleep last night, so I was up pretty late. Up late means... up late! I woke up ten minutes before the bus came! Ahhh! YIKES!!!
I'm running down the street to catch the bus. You know our bus, where it goes around the island in Renaissance once, so it comes back to the first stop again. I've always just caught the bus the first time around, but today I didn't. And it was icy, otherwise I would have ran. So, I get down to the bustop and I don't see the bus. I'm walking back up (sad and lonely), where Brother Christensen offers me a ride to school. All of a sudden, I hear the bus behind me. Run! Icy! Slip!
I'm right in front of the bus... running... ahhh!
I fell and did three summersaults down into the big dip at the stop and when I tried to climb out, I slipped back again.
Eventually, I got out and got to the bus (as in, everybody, as in first and second bustops, as in all of my friends had seen). Everybody was laughing. Logan made it a little bit better by saying that he fell a couple of embarrassing times, but not by much. Thank you for trying. :\
My socks just got done drying.
I got the Quote of Today from Cole.

Quote of Today: If life gives you lemons, make orange juice and sit back and watch the world try to figure out how you did it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Great news: when I said that I had a 3.95... whatever number that was, grades had not yet been finalized. Mrs. McMurray put in the scores for a huge assignment yesterday evening that landed me with a 4.00!!!
I'm so excited I'm going to SCREAM!!!
Except not really.
Other news: Taylor saw my blog (which is exciting because none of the other boys in our ward would ever make that attempt, no matter how many times I try), I'm going to see Alex for dessert and games right after the Hootenannie on Friday (guitar recital), and tomorrow's youth night is Trek kickoff! I get to go this year!
It's amazing how after all of that amazingly happy stuff, I can still be so sad.
Why am I sad?
I left my iPod at Cole's house yesterday. Boo-hoo. I always carry my iPod around, whether I'm going to listen to it or not! It's weird without a bulge in my pocket all day. It makes my sooo lonesome. Wah!
Oh, one other thing: I get to have my braces tightened on Thursday. Reasons why this is bad: it hurts, it kills, and I have to miss two and a half classes to get them that way. Reasons why this is good: I get to change the colors (I think I will do black and yellow, like a bee), it is helping to straighten my teeth, and I get to miss two and half classes to get them that way.
I'm trying to be optimistic here.
Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: Don't stand between me and my iPod!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wheat List

Uhhh... I have already run out of things to say. Starting over with "so..."
So. Shoot! I messed up again! From the top!
So. Nevermind. I just needed to get the right tone of "so-ing." I'm not in a "so" mood tonight. I'm in a... bubblegum mood. Still chewing, but out of flavor.
How's this? Taylor finally wrote on his blog and is coming to Junior High next year. Is that scary or what? We went to the power plant for joint YM/YW, and it was really neat.
No, seriously. It was neat. Except for when the boys tried to convince me that the power plant is run by hamsters and that there's an underground monster that threatens them into it.
I ended the term with all A's and one A-! Woohoo!
By the way, Morgan is marrying Jenna.
In memory of me and the wheat that I can't eat, I would like to take the opportunity to list some things that have wheat in them.

Wheat is included in...
-French fries
-Chicken noodle soup
-Mayonnaise (no joke!)
-Hot dogs (I'm not tempted)
-Some oatmeals
-Chicken nuggets
-Some ice creams (the most important ones)
-Granola bars
-Most fruit snacks
-Licorice (ahhh!)

I'm hungry. Wheat is so filling!
Gotta run! Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: We don't really have to build on a rock, right?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Not Quite Yet a Friday

The pizza will be here any minute.

In the meantime, I sit here and research a science "endangered species" project. My topic? Ocelots. Gorgeous ocelots. Beautiful, graceful creatures.

What I learned about them: they may be beautiful, but their teeth aren't made for chewing. No, their black teeth are made for tearing. They tear up their food and swallow it in one bite. They are also very clean. They don't leave a single speck of meat left on the bones. Unlike other felines, they like water and actually swim very well. Oh, geez. I think that everything I have written about on my blog lately has to do with school. Schooling, homework, studying... It's taking over my life! Oh, no!

Let's start on a clean slate. Today was my first shorts day! Deep dark secret time (no repeats): I am a size 28 in mens. I like mens shorts better than girls shorts. They're comfier. Deep dark secret number two time: I am actually a 26, but I like the longer shorts. Hee, hee! Guess what else? We finally got to eat outside today! Hooray! It is getting warm! Woohoo! And the term ends tomorrow and I have a... hold on... let me look it up... 3.9250! All A+s and one B+! Yessssss! What else? Uhhh... Oh yeah! Morgan (as in cousin Morgan, as in brother of Daniel and Caleb, as in son of Aunt Janet, as in awesome Morgan) is getting... MARRIED!!! I'm so excited! Whoops. I forgot to ask who he's getting married to. Maybe I should do that... Woah! Wouldga look at the time? Gotta run! Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: I'm just a girl standing in front of a guy telling her that he loves her.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Saint Patty's Day

I apologize for my last post being not exactly what you are looking for on my blog. It's wasn't very bubbly of me, but hopefully it gets me a lovely "A."

Happy Saint Patty's day! May you live without fear of being pinched!
My Saint Patty's day was saved by Mom. I have no green except for the stuff I wore on Friday. I didn't want to wear that green shirt again, so I borrowed Mom's extra extra large green tee. Thanks Mom, only Janessa and Logan pinched me today! I have bruises to prove it!
I can't imagine what I would have done without it.
No, seriously.
I'm making a CD for keyboarding right now. Coldplay, Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, Jem... I'm not missing anybody too important, am I? Anything on our little playlist at the bottom will be on there, for sure!
New background! I hope Sister Howell and Sister Oyler aren't too mad at me for changing it! The old one... just wasn't summer enough for the season! Will you please forgive me?
I can't live with the fact that you won't forgive me, so please do.
Today was a very good day!

A1- Science with Mr. Woolley: We went outside today, and the weather was perfect! I learned that I did good on a test (he calls them FFLAs, for "fun filled learning adventures," but I prefer the term, "test"), and the term ends Friday! I should get a very happy report card back.
A2- US History with Mrs. McFarlane: I actually like this class. I know several people that would say that they hate it, but I like it. Don't spoil my mood.
A3- Spanish with Senora Anderson: We watched two movies in this class today. It wasn't the most exciting day of Spanish, but at least we didn't have a million hard assignments to do, right?
A4- Musical Theatre with (deep breath) Mrs. McMurray, Mr. Stokoe, Mrs. Chenowyth, and Mrs. Garlick: These teachers must not communicate very well. Today they were getting all upset with each other because an email had been interpreted wrong or something. I sat in the back writing a song the whole time.

How was that?
And then, before the bus ride home, the bus driver let me sit in her seat until it was time to go. It was fun! They make those seats extremely comfortable...
Woah, would you look at the time? Dinner calls!
The Quote of Today is from my buddy Calvin and his buddy Hobbes.
Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Health Project

Personality break. I'm sorry, normally I can be bubbly on this blog, but today I need to cut the sassy stuff short so I can actually sound like I know what I'm doing. The following is a health project. I was gonna do a song, but we only had a week and there has to be lyrics. No way, Jose!
Ahem. Serious time.
Guess what?
Drugs are bad!
Dictionary dot com defines a drug as "a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being." But that doesn't mean that all drugs are good. In fact, it states the definition of drug abuse right below:
"Drug abuse has a huge range of definitions related to taking a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect. All of these definitions imply a negative judgement of the drug use in question (compare with the term responsible drug use for alternative views). Some of the drugs most often associated with this term include alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methaqualone, and opium alkaloids. Use of these drugs may lead to criminal penalty in addition to possible physical, social, and psychological harm, both strongly depending on local jurisdiction. Other definitions of drug abuse fall into four main categories: public health definitions, mass communication and vernacular usage, medical definitions, and political and criminal justice definitions."
Maybe a little too wordy for me, so let's try and break it down a bit for you, okay?
Drugs help you recover from diseases and give you strength. Are we clear on that?
Step 2: Take the correct quantity of the drug, don't get associated with bad (illegal) drugs, and don't share prescriptions.
Here are a couple more facts about drugs that you may want to sit on:

-It is illegal to take prescription drugs from somebody else or buy drugs you shouldn't be touching. You can be charged with many years in prison or a very big fine. Although, when you think about it, you are really punishing yourself when you take them.
-Alaska is the worst state when it comes to drugs, but everywhere in the world, studies show that the most common place to find drugs are in schools.-Every year, the worldwide drug usage goes up, sometimes doubling what studies showed the year previous.
-Effects of drug abuse include: multiple types of cancer to your throat, larynx, blood, lungs, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix. Ew.
-Most people can tell if you've been abusing drugs. Your grades in school cannot exceed all C's, you smell bad, appear drunk all the time, and suffer from something similar to what my favorite Disney character, Dory, suffers from. At least, I think that is her name...
-People who bond well with their family are over 85% less likely to abuse drugs, take bad drugs, sell drugs, smoke cigarettes or marijuana, or anything like that because they have probably discussed not taking drugs with their family at one point or another.
-Preventing bad drugs or accidents associated with drugs from reaching your home: quality family time, stay fit and active, decide now to never take drugs and help others to make the same decision, recognise your talents, strengths, and weaknesses, and, believe it or not, people who play an instrument are much more likely to ever take drugs.

Guys, drugs are dumb. Don't use 'em, and you won't get hurt.
I mean, why do that to yourself? Not only is it a federal offense to take most of them, but you'll almost always die from the consequences of taking them. Let's see... thousand of dollars... a couple years behind bars... death...
It's the elongated version of suicide.
Do the smart thing.
On the positive side, it is now shorts weather! Hooray!
Hasta Luego!

Quote of Today: No, a year ago, I would have set the papers on fire, put them back in your purse, and then walked out.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Family Pictures

Do you love the introduction?

Hello my loyal fans! I see we have numbered over 1060 visits to my blog, which means that somebody about six people have seen this blog about ten times (or the other way around)! I've taken care of the other thousand visits...
Mom's at a meeting and Matthew is playing legos. I'm not sure I know what Esther's playing with.
Is that...?
Put it down!
Now the moment we've all been waiting for. Family pictures! Yeah! I have placed a caption on each picture, so you can have an idea of what is going on in each one.

Awkwardness... may I take a moment to share with you that this is not Esther's real smile? That's right. This is what we call "not warmed up yet."

Still not warmed up yet...Cute as a button doing the splits...
I know this picture should probably be in the "Group Pictures" section, but this is mostly Esther and her personality.You can fly! You can fly! You can not quite fly, but you're pretty dang close! Twisting... spinning...
This one always makes me dizzy. Consider yourself warned.Matthew's Pictures
These are a couple cute pictures of Matthew being himself. Simple as that.
Hiding behind a balloon? Seriously, who does this anymore?
More Matthew. I don't think he knew what to do in this one, so he just stuck his arms right out there. It turned out pretty good. Great job, Matthew!We took a couple of pictures of everybody. This is one of Matthew's pictures, which I have re-named as his "High School Musical Shot." Get it? He's jumping!Matthew is quite the breakdancer in our house. Here's a picture of him in action.
My Pictures
Me. Just me. The braces, the hand waving, the laugh, the... curled hair (so hard and buggish. Why do I do this stuff again?). Oh, well. At least the pictures turned out cute. :)
Smirk. I am cool. Thinking. I don't know what I'm thinking about, I just am, okay?Here I am, maybe a little more into character, because I am always happy and laughing and when I laugh, I put my hands on my knees. I don't remember what was so funny right here that I was laughing at. Was it the fact that I was getting my picture taken, or did somebody say something funny? Anyways, my Dad insisted that I not delete this picture, so it must be pretty neat.More of that "character" stuff!Our Parents' Picture
This picture is my Mom and my Dad. On my Mom: She says that she doesn't like it when they take her picture as much as when they take our picture, but I think I like this picture, too. It's really cute! Most teenagers can't say that about their Mom, but look at how lucky I am to get to say it. Then there's Dad, handsome as ever. What a couple!
Group Pictures
The cutest family on Earth. Sorry guys, but it's true.
Gimme some love...Outa my way! This is my spotlight time! I said MOVE IT!!! This is kind of an example of what goes on at our house. Esther is all, "People! See me! Me! Me!" And Matthew is, yes, a little more hyper, but not as upset over the spotlight. But don't take it from me. You know what they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words."This is a picture of just the girls. No Matthews, no Dads, just girls.I am desperately in love with this picture! It is my laptop desktop and it's really full of great personality from both Esther and I.
Another cute picture of Esther and I, coming right up!In these next couple of pictures, they asked us to hold hands and jump. It didn't work out as well as they thought. In this one, I think my cute scarf was the problem.In this one, I was the only one jumping, and so I had to lift the kids up, which is hard in the air, especially when Matthew was pulling down on me like that.Yea! It finally worked!This time we're on the ground. Make sure you get in a glimpse of Matthew, who is below Esther and I. And look at our happy smiles!I know. I'm amazing. The kids really "look up" to me. This picture just goes to show how big of a gap there is between the kids and me. I'm even slumping! Esther and Matthew are standing straight up! For those of you who just joined us here on Lizzie's blog, Esther is eight (that's six years younger than me) and Matthew is six (eight years younger than me). There are no other children in my family, though I have always wanted an older brother. It could still happen!

Geez, this grumpy thing that inserts pictures won't let me insert anymore. Something about, "exceeding my limit?" What's that all about? Anyways, I gotta go! Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind.

Wrap-Up of Phobias

Starting where we left off. Ahem. S, right?

Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween.
Sarmassophobia- Fear of love play (Malaxophobia).
Satanophobia- Fear of Satan.
Scabiophobia- Fear of scabies.
Scatophobia- Fear of fecal matter.
Scelerophibia- Fear of bad men, burglars.
Sciophobia Sciaphobia- Fear of shadows.
Scoleciphobia- Fear of worms.
Scolionophobia- Fear of school.
Scopophobia or Scoptophobia- Fear of being seen or stared at.
Scotomaphobia- Fear of blindness in visual field.
Scotophobia- Fear of darkness (Achluophobia).
Scriptophobia- Fear of writing in public.
Selachophobia- Fear of sharks.
Selaphobia- Fear of light flashes.
Selenophobia- Fear of the moon.
Seplophobia- Fear of decaying matter.
Sesquipedalophobia- Fear of long words.
Sexophobia- Fear of the opposite sex (Heterophobia).
Siderodromophobia- Fear of trains, railroads or train travel.
Siderophobia- Fear of stars.
Sinistrophobia- Fear of things to the left or left-handed.
Sinophobia- Fear of Chinese, Chinese culture.
Sitophobia or Sitiophobia- Fear of food or eating (Cibophobia).
Snakephobia- Fear of snakes (Ophidiophobia).
Soceraphobia- Fear of parents-in-law.
Social Phobia- Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.
Sociophobia- Fear of society or people in general.
Somniphobia- Fear of sleep.
Sophophobia- Fear of learning.
Soteriophobia - Fear of dependence on others.
Spacephobia- Fear of outer space.
Spectrophobia- Fear of specters or ghosts.
Spermatophobia or Spermophobia- Fear of germs.
Spheksophobia- Fear of wasps.
Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia- Fear of standing or walking (Ambulophobia).
Staurophobia- Fear of crosses or the crucifix.
Stenophobia- Fear of narrow things or places.
Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia- Fear of hell.
Suriphobia- Fear of mice.
Symbolophobia- Fear of symbolism.
Symmetrophobia- Fear of symmetry.
Syngenesophobia- Fear of relatives.
Syphilophobia- Fear of syphilis.

I totally have scriptophobia! Beware!
Tachophobia- Fear of speed.
Taeniophobia or Teniophobia- Fear of tapeworms.
Taphephobia Taphophobia- Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries.
Tapinophobia- Fear of being contagious.
Taurophobia- Fear of bulls.
Technophobia- Fear of technology.
Teleophobia- 1) Fear of definite plans. 2) Religious ceremony.
Telephonophobia- Fear of telephones.
Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.
Testophobia- Fear of taking tests.
Tetanophobia- Fear of lockjaw, tetanus.
Teutophobia- Fear of German or German things.
Textophobia- Fear of certain fabrics.
Thaasophobia- Fear of sitting.
Thalassophobia- Fear of the sea.
Thanatophobia or Thantophobia- Fear of death or dying.
Theatrophobia- Fear of theatres.
Theologicophobia- Fear of theology.
Theophobia- Fear of gods or religion.
Thermophobia- Fear of heat.
Tocophobia- Fear of pregnancy or childbirth.
Tomophobia- Fear of surgical operations.
Tonitrophobia- Fear of thunder.
Topophobia- Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright.
Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia- Fear of poison or of being accidently poisoned.
Traumatophobia- Fear of injury.
Tremophobia- Fear of trembling.
Trichinophobia- Fear of trichinosis.
Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia- Fear of hair (Chaetophobia, Hypertrichophobia).
Triskaidekaphobia- Fear of the number 13.
Tropophobia- Fear of moving or making changes.
Trypanophobia- Fear of injections.
Tuberculophobia- Fear of tuberculosis.
Tyrannophobia- Fear of tyrants.
Uranophobia or Ouranophobia- Fear of heaven.
Urophobia- Fear of urine or urinatin.
Uaphobia- I'm scared of the phobias in the "U" section. Moving on...

Vaccinophobia- Fear of vaccination.
Venustraphobia- Fear of beautiful women.
Verbophobia- Fear of words.
Verminophobia- Fear of germs.
Vestiphobia- Fear of clothing.
Virginitiphobia- Fear of rape.
Vitricophobia- Fear of step-father.

Walloonphobia- Fear of the Walloons.
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft.

Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.
Xenoglossophobia- Fear of foreign languages.
Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners.
Xerophobia- Fear of dryness.
Xylophobia- 1) Fear of wooden objects. 2) Forests.
Xyrophobia-Fear of razors.
There's no "Ys!" Yikes!
Yikesaphobia could have been one!

Zelophobia- Fear of jealousy.
Zeusophobia- Fear of God or gods.
Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.
Zoophobia- Fear of animals.
That was fun.
Uh, stay tuned for my next post. The Quote of Today is a comic strip from Calvin and Hobbes.
Hasta luego!
Quote of Today: [Calvin] I read that the average household watches seven and a half hours of TV everyday. Mom says she doesn't watch TV at all while I'm at school, so if I get home at 3:00 I should be able to watch it straight 'till 10:30, right?
[Calvin's Dad] Wrong.
[Calvin] Do you want us to be SUBAVERAGE?!