Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wheat List

Uhhh... I have already run out of things to say. Starting over with "so..."
So. Shoot! I messed up again! From the top!
So. Nevermind. I just needed to get the right tone of "so-ing." I'm not in a "so" mood tonight. I'm in a... bubblegum mood. Still chewing, but out of flavor.
How's this? Taylor finally wrote on his blog and is coming to Junior High next year. Is that scary or what? We went to the power plant for joint YM/YW, and it was really neat.
No, seriously. It was neat. Except for when the boys tried to convince me that the power plant is run by hamsters and that there's an underground monster that threatens them into it.
I ended the term with all A's and one A-! Woohoo!
By the way, Morgan is marrying Jenna.
In memory of me and the wheat that I can't eat, I would like to take the opportunity to list some things that have wheat in them.

Wheat is included in...
-French fries
-Chicken noodle soup
-Mayonnaise (no joke!)
-Hot dogs (I'm not tempted)
-Some oatmeals
-Chicken nuggets
-Some ice creams (the most important ones)
-Granola bars
-Most fruit snacks
-Licorice (ahhh!)

I'm hungry. Wheat is so filling!
Gotta run! Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: We don't really have to build on a rock, right?


tay said...

hey this is taylor i love your blog its awesome

Lizzie said...

Woah! I'm used to the long comments on your blog! But now you're on mine! No way!
Hey, you didn't finish answering some of my questions.
Thank you so much for checking it out!