Monday, August 18, 2008

School!!!!!!!!! (Nine Exclamation Points)

I walk into school and start walking towards my locker, 276 (It's at the very corner of school- a dark blue one), and I see two boys walking in the same direction. I recognized them as two new boys in my ward, Cameron and David. They're pretty fun and I decided to talk to them. But I don't' just talk to them. I have to make an entrance.
Surprised? Come on! You should know me by now.
Naturally, I have to place myself right in between them and say, "Hey, guys! Are you excited? I am!" Naturally, they greeted me and said, "Yeah, we're excited. Can you help us find our locker? It's number 277." Well, duh. It's, like, right next to mine! So, I show them where it is and we all have a good time.
A1: Science with Mr. Woolley is so cool! He's fun to have. We had a couple of assignments, and got to know each other more in our class. Doesn't that sound like something we all want to do absolutely everyday? He has a lizard named Bob, who fell over dead in the middle of class. I guess it wasn't actually dead, but just fallen over with limbs straight out in front of him whilst he was staying perfectly still. How does a lizard named Bob pull that off? Don't ask me...
My A2 period was spent with Mrs. McFarlane- she said we can call her Mrs. Mack. Which do you prefer? The whole period was spent with us "telling about ourselves." More like "telling about how you're 'related' to famous people."
People spent their time telling about how their granddad knew a man whose cousin was married to the sister of Vanessa Hudgens or something like that. Isn't that something?
A3- Spanish. No comment. Live in fear that I didn't say it was good or bad.
A4- SPEECH AND DEBATE!!! Awesome as Mr. Stokoe himself.
Gotta go. I'm lovin' school so far!

Quote of Today: A smile confuses an approaching frown.