My parents claim that I'm a good friend. Here's my "friend policy:"
A good friend is a friend that you can goof off with but they're not considered your best friend because you only see them every so often or you spend a lot more time with other people.
A boyfriend or a girlfriend is a boy or girl you have a crush on. I don't have any of these.
A galfriend is a best friend that's a girl. I have sooo many of these it's hard to keep track (but, their being my best friend, I have to).
A guyfriend is a very good friend that's a boy. I don't have too many of these, just (pretty much) the boys in our ward. There's maybe one or two others.
Isn't that a good list? Now, on to what my week has been like:
School, school, school. This is absolute ecstasy! Yesterday was the ward campout. Sadie B., Sadie J., and Janessa dragged me along with them to go check out "cute guys" in the pavilion below where our ward was. Someone still needs to tell me where "cute" came in. We ate, and then we watched skits. My Mom was in a skit where she had a huge purple wig (I measured it- almost two feet tall!!!) on and a dress and smothered lipstick on. My Dad sang in a barbershop quartet to Brightly Beems the Fathers Mercy. The bishopric did a magic act. The bishop made a penny disappear inside a shmushed up banana- in the backside pocket of his pants! It was really quite amazing to everyone (except his wife, who now has to clean that back pocket). Then Micheal (David's brother) played some of his compositions on the guitar. I am buying his album!
Speaking of compositions, I'm entering Tidbits into my piano academy's composition book. Tidbits Too is currently undergoing revision.
Also speaking of compositions, ask Tyson about the great music he has on his iPod. Right after I buy Micheal's new album, I'm buying Tyson's. Great stuff!
Then we set up our tent and got ready for bed. Tyson, Sadie J., Janessa, Taylor, Bryce (am I forgetting anyone?), and me played Imagineiff, where Tyson and me cheated and put down the same card every time. We didn't win, but we didn't lose. Actually, we came in tied for second, behind Janessa, who knew what she was doing. Then Tyson, Taylor and me teamed up for Phase Ten. We won, of course.
Speaking of Phase Ten, Katie came over today. We had ice cream, played Phase Ten, and then worked on her blog before starting to watch Nim's Island. I love her.
I've decided to try out for the school's production of Romeo and Juliet. Wish me luck! I'll need it.
Quote of Today: Thou shalt not whine.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
School!!!!!!!!! (Nine Exclamation Points)
I walk into school and start walking towards my locker, 276 (It's at the very corner of school- a dark blue one), and I see two boys walking in the same direction. I recognized them as two new boys in my ward, Cameron and David. They're pretty fun and I decided to talk to them. But I don't' just talk to them. I have to make an entrance.
Surprised? Come on! You should know me by now.
Naturally, I have to place myself right in between them and say, "Hey, guys! Are you excited? I am!" Naturally, they greeted me and said, "Yeah, we're excited. Can you help us find our locker? It's number 277." Well, duh. It's, like, right next to mine! So, I show them where it is and we all have a good time.
A1: Science with Mr. Woolley is so cool! He's fun to have. We had a couple of assignments, and got to know each other more in our class. Doesn't that sound like something we all want to do absolutely everyday? He has a lizard named Bob, who fell over dead in the middle of class. I guess it wasn't actually dead, but just fallen over with limbs straight out in front of him whilst he was staying perfectly still. How does a lizard named Bob pull that off? Don't ask me...
My A2 period was spent with Mrs. McFarlane- she said we can call her Mrs. Mack. Which do you prefer? The whole period was spent with us "telling about ourselves." More like "telling about how you're 'related' to famous people."
People spent their time telling about how their granddad knew a man whose cousin was married to the sister of Vanessa Hudgens or something like that. Isn't that something?
A3- Spanish. No comment. Live in fear that I didn't say it was good or bad.
A4- SPEECH AND DEBATE!!! Awesome as Mr. Stokoe himself.
Gotta go. I'm lovin' school so far!
Quote of Today: A smile confuses an approaching frown.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Somedays (continued...)
There is a little confusion downstairs right now.
I'm upstairs, safe, but hiding.
First you must know that there are three (famous) squirrels in our backyard. There are probably more of them, we just recognize three of them. Matthew named the biggest one with white spot all over it Stoner. Esther named the middle one with a long tail and white chest Princess. I named the tiniest one that always gets picked on Fifi. They all sound like the person who named them, right? But now Matthew thinks that he can re-name them all. Princess's new name will be Rocky, and Fifi's will be some odd name like Teryous that I can't pronounce.
Today, I taught the Sunday School Lesson. My class was so awful that we didn't even get through the first tab. It was those boys...
I am so excited for school tomorrow. We are going to my Grandparent's house for a fashion show and dinner. Tonight, I'll set my alarm and put my clothes out early. My Mom's driving me in the morning. It's an A Day...
Who wants to hear about my birthday plans? Since it'll be on a Tuesday, my Dad can't come to dinner, so I have invited him to a special breakfast, just the two of us. We'll probably go to Kneaders or something. I thought that would be pretty cool. Then I'll go to school. When I come home, I'll do homework, play a bit, practice piano, grab a snack- stuff like that. I haven't decided what dinner will be yet, but it'll be good. Dessert will be a cherry cobbler, and if Esther accepts my favor, homemade ice cream. I'm thinking I'll invite over extended family for that. I'll probably have a friend party, too.
I'm excited for Back-to-school shopping. It is the best day of the year, and I want to go to this place where you can have rattlesnake meat and stuff if you ask for it. You bet I will.
The Quote of Today has gotten a bit famous. Janessa uses my quotes all the time. Today it's just my favorite Article of Faith, though. Hopefully you'll recognize it. I quoted it all from memory. I'll have you know that all my quotes are from memory.
Ta-ta for now...
Quote of Today: We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the ten tribes. That Zion, the new Jerusalem, will be built upon the American continent. That Christ will reign personally upon the Earth and that the Earth will be renewed and receive its paradisaical glory.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
"Somedays are Sundays when on Sundays we have Sundaes and Somedays we have regular ice cream," one old man once said. It's true. Today is a Sunday. How are you celebrating? I'm going to my grandparent's house.
Seven Peaks was great. I bought a large bowl of french fries for my family and they said, "We love this! Go back to the store which is all the way at the other side of the Park and get us three more large bowls of fries and four sodas and a ton of fry sauce That nobody except my Mom likes (bless her dear heart). When they gave me everything I totally freaked out. I couldn't carry all that! It was at that exact moment of my desperate need, I saw an old friend, Sadie, who saved me.
After that, we (Sadie and I), ran around like some freaks that are dying in a pool of lemon juice. It was pretty fun. We got stuck on the toilet bowl ride and we ran around hugging random lifegaurds that weren't smiling (all girls, of course), we went down the Cave In an awful lot, blah, blah, blah. Afterwards we went to her house for a couple of hours with pizza and Penelope. It was a lot of fun.
Yesterday, Mom and I went shopping for school supplies. We got two binders- a cute pink one for A-Days and a cute blue one for B-Days, we grabbed some stuff for my locker, pens, pencils, a cute planner, some folders, lead, jeans, personal stuff, ect. ect. We also went to Barrbicoa and ate a yummy lunch and picked up some some books for Esther. I had soooo much fun with my Mom. That is the best day of the year- back to school clothes shopping.
I would like to thank my many fans out there who read my blog- Mom, Adam, Esther, Daryl, Janessa... If I've missed you, you're going to have to tell me because I am at a great loss.
I always keep my promises- here's a quote from Matthew.
Quote of Today: America is where we take off our shirts and sing songs!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
My Lucky Number

Did I do pretty good?

Quote of Today: When I was younger, I used to remember everything. Even the things that hadn't even happened.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Who's excited for school?
I am! Learnig! Library! Friends! Fun! Responsibility! Writing!
I go to Mountain Ridge Jr. High School, and this year... I'M AN EIGHTH GRADER!!! Here's my schedule...
Semester One
A1- Science
A2- US History
A3- Spanish
A4- Speech and Debate
B1- PE
B2- English
B3- Algebra
B4- Creative Writing
Semester Two
A1- Science
A2- US History
A3- Spanish
A4- Musical Theatre
B1- Keyboarding
B2- English
B3- Algebra
B4- Health
I think I'm most excited about my Musical Theatre, Speech and Debate, and Creative Writing classes. I love those subjects. I'm kind of bummed that I can't have Humanities this year- I really liked that class last year. Keyboarding is something I really need. Then maybe I can type my blog entrees faster.
Quote of Today: "I will not go to school today,"
Insisted Sarah Sue.
"And mother, if you make me,
I will eat a worm or two."
"Like these?" asked her mother.
"They're the juiciest I could find."
"I'm off to school!" said Sarah Sue.
"For I have changed my mind!"
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Summer Camp
I seem to always work on my blog while watching a show. I'm watching Star Wars right now.
Today was the very last summer camp. We did a mission because the theme is EJ Detective Agency. I was up until 3 in the morning making t-shirts for it, and I felt so bad because my family stayed up helping me- my Dad, who hadn't gone to sleep until 3 the night before, my Aunt Karen, who was sick, and my Mom, who does everything for me. I love them all sooooo much.
I decided it would be nice if I made an EJ T-shirt for Lizzy and Emily (I hereby dub them lifesavers), and it was so late and I was so tired that Lizzy's shirt was made upside down on accident. I feel so bad, but she didn't mind so much. I'm sorry, Lizzy. I love you!
Summer camp is over! We just have our Super Summer Late Night tomorrow and it's be over for another year. Hooray!
Quote of Today: Happy days.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Home Alone 4: Boredom (continued...)
Good afternoon!
Voice lessons went good. Brother Babbage is so awesome!
If you had taken my advice to view Esther's blog, you would know where I probably am right now. I'm not going to tell you- how about you figure out for yourself! "It's too much," you say. "Too hard and takes so much effort that I don't have!" Well, I've taken the liberty of putting Esther's blog link on the sidebar -->
Check. It. Out. Now.
I'm watching Spirit right now. I've caught three mistakes already, and I'm at the part where Spirit is Being born. Seriously. You guys trust me, right?
After this, we're going to my Dad's school dinner. I'm starved, because my Cup-o-Noodles is all out. But you already knew that, right? Right.
I'm tired.
I'm thinking what chocolate must feel thinking when it's melting. "What's next?" Nothing, that's what. More of Spirit, that's what.
I'm dead.
I got the Quote of Today from this green flashy sign by a white door.
Quote of Today: EXIT
Home Alone 4: Boredom
Yesterday, I spent awhile helping Esther make a blog. I had her create a post while I surprised her by finding her a pyzam background, a music playlist, my Dad's YouTube video, and edited her profile. I thought everything I got for her reminded me of her. Does that make any sense?!?
Anyways, it's Kinda like mine, except it expresses her and not... me.
You also need to visit my cousin Adam's blog, It's very neat.
I'm the main character in Home Alone 4: Boredom right now. My family left me alone for two hours while they go to the movie theatre and I make sure I'm on time for my music lesson. As much fun as it sounds, I'd rather be going to that movie (which is TMNT).
Normally, when I'm home alone, I eat cup-o-noodles. It cheers me up. But we're all out. :`( Speaking of things I want, but can't have- my Mom says she's changed her mind about Twilight. I can't read it anymore. I guess things are better that way, though. I already know all the endings, right guys?
The Quote of Today is from the sad-looking Goldfish bowl I'm eating out of right now. It's very pathetic...
Quote of Today: Help Finn through the maze so he can play with his friends!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Matthew, Esther, Audrey (my cousin) watching Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back right now. Yea me, as my cousin Adam would say.
Today was EJ Super Summer Camp. It was so crazy! Thursday should be even more kaiotic (how do you spell that?), with 30 kids and all. I couldn't get a hold of Emily, so I asked Lizzy if she could help. She said yes- she is such a life saver. She's also introduced me to the artist Cascada (see below, at my music playlist). I love Cascada!
I'm so excited for school!
Quote of Today: Laughter is letting your smile talk.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
It'll be a crazy week,
Is yours busy, too?
My family is over,
My cousins Adam,
Audrey, and Claire,
EJ will be wild,
With 30 kids to spare!
I've written a piano piece,
And played it for a crowd,
I got some compliments,
Thought I thought it was loud.
My aunt has been married,
My second cousin's been blessed,
I've made a new blog,
And all of the rest!
Breaking Dawn has been discovered,
Though I cannot take a peek,
I’m eating M&M’s,
Though I need to get some sleep!
I'm sorry about my sudden outburst in poetry. As you can tell though, I'm busy lately. Actually, I've been busy all summer long. I haven't stopped long enough to get bored. Next week, however, will be very boring. I have absolutely nothing. It's not everyday I use that word.
Yesterday I went to my Dad's company party- Omniture. It is so sweet! They had a rock-paper-scissors contest. A little six year old won and got a $5,000 trip to wherever in the world she wanted to go. She said she wanted to go to Mexico. They also had a ton of cool rides and prizes and giveaways and things. Sorry for the run-on. Later!
Quote of Today: I believe.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Good Morning!
Okay, I know this sounds so dumb. It is dumb.
Somebody flagged my blog.
Flagging a blog should not be taken lightly. If you feel uncomfortable with the things you are reading on a blog, or thing somebody has said inappropriate things, you flag it. If you flagged my blog, please tell me what I said that offended you, because I found nothing wrong with it. I miss blogging, so I've made this new one. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you may visit my old blog, It's really cute!
Oh, well.
This summer: I've started voice lessons, I took an acting class and fell in love with it (but it's over now), I'm still doing piano, I went to Cyrano de Bergerac with my parents when we visited our family cabin, we went to Stadium of Fire, we visited Washington, I went to Girls Camp, yesterday was my Daddy's birthday, my cousins are coming over today, and I'm in a happy mood!
More later...
Quote of Today: Ordinary teens have remote control. Extraordinary teens have self-control.