It was fun.
See? Blurry.
Janessa. She claims to have been babysitting. I think it turned out to be being babysat rather than actually doing work.
I think it's important for you to know that most of these pictures Jessi took, so they are very blurry. Yes, Logan's picture was taken by Jessi.

Buenos dias.
Not working for you?
I didn't think so either.
We'll just stick with "Yo."
We have now moved on to one of the last portions of MAJOR UPDATES.
In this segment, we will be reviewing Logan's Eagle Project.
We made these packet things for the upcoming election and delivered them to every single house in Cedar Hills. Woah.
I got there a little late because I had piano. In piano, I'm taking a Theory course that ends out being college level material. You never get college credit, but if you want to study music when you grow up, it helps you prepare.
Anyways, I was late because I was taking the end-of-level test and I got 100%!
I'm not sure you heard me correctly. You're not screaming out with joy.
One hundred percent!
Am I scaring you yet?
Oh, well.
Where was I?
Oh, yes. Logan's Eagle Project.
Logan (duh), Jessi, Janessa, Tyson, Tim, Taylor, Channing, Davis, and Jacob were there. It was fun- At one point, Brother Seegmiller brought down a bag of skittles and I took out all of the green ones. Jessi followed me and took out all of the yellow ones (in memory of her old crush- I know! Something about Pears!)...
And then Tyson got all mad at us and took out all of the purples. Then Logan took the reds and Channing took the...
Don't even get me started about the Jolly Ranchers.
His Eagle Project ended up being more of a party. We had contests to see who could get a hundred packets done first (Janessa totally cheated) and we played music and karaokeed the whole time, and Jessi and I took a million videos and pictures.
And then there was this one time where Logan and Tyson took my camera and ran into the back room (while it was still recording- Thanks, guys, just what I needed- a beautiful shot of Logan's room. Talk about tornado) and everybody ran back to look at all of my pictures while I was the only one left working. I want credit when Logan actually gets his Eagle! Who was it doing the work while he was back there playing around?
Which reminds me...
The star himself. No, this is not actually during the project, this is on the way to Youth Night, it's just that all of his pictures of the actual Project were blurry and this is the best clean shot of him I could find.
Channing. It's okay. She can take a small break to smile at my camera.
Sarah. I love, love, love Sarah!!! We're birthday buddies. September ninth!
Jacob. I'm curious to see how this kid will end up...
Tyson. Staring off into space. Ha, ha.
Tyson... SMILING!!! It took me so much effort and work to get this picture, but after an endless process of fixing and revising and everything, it paid off. He's so proud of his record of not letting me have a smiling picture. LOOK WHO GOT THE LAST LAUGH!!!

Us. With Jessi Blocking my face.
Hasta luego. Stay tuned for next time (I'm not really sure where to stop with MAJOR UPDATES).
Quote of Today: I am a bomb technician. If I am running, try to keep up.
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