Well, what haven't I covered in MAJOR UPDATES? There was the end of EJ Super Summer Camp and an awesome slip-n-slide. We had a youth party and stuff. It was pretty fun. We played human bowling and there were treats and everything. It was pretty cool.
This is our last move as the Founders of EJ Super Summer Camp. Doesn't it make you wish it was still Summer?
The next day was my Dad's Graduation/Birthday Party. We did the same thing.Oh, did you know that tarantulas eat crickets? Yeah, we've been trying to feed him grasshoppers for two weeks (probably why he tried to bite us every time we tried to reach in). He ate and he's happy now!
I saw August Rush! It was AMAZING!!!
I think we've covered everything. I didn't miss anything, did I? Oh, well. Hasta luego.
Quote of Today: Girls can do everything boys can do. They just do it in high heels.
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