Thursday, June 4, 2009

Personality Test

Okay... this is really creepy!
There's this thing going around where you answer certain questions about you (kind of like 20 Questions, except there are way less questions and the result is totally creepy) and the program can figure out your personality!
  1. What are you most afraid of? Needles, pins, and embarrassment.
  2. What is your favorite breakfast food? General Conference brunch. You know... raspberry kookan, coffee cake, Christmas eggs (which we never eat on Christmas)...
  3. What is your favorite lunch food? A turkey and mustard sandwich. That's it. No dressings- ESPECIALLY MAYO!!! EEEWWW!!! Depending on my mood, I will also add a leaf or two of lettuce. Yum!
  4. What is your favorite dinner food? I'm a soup person. It doesn't matter what time of year or what kind of soup, just as long as it's soup. :)
  5. What is your favorite color? Green! I'm not very picky about the shade, as long as it's a healthy shade.
  6. Do you get along with boys and girls equally? Well, my best friend is a girl, but... yeah, I get along with boys.
  7. What are some of your biggest talents? Music (singing, guitar, piano, composing), computers, organizing, making friends, and writing.
  8. Do you enjoy the outdoors? Sure. No offense, Utah, but I "enjoyed the outdoors" a lot more in Washington. Green! Breezy! Perfect! I do like winters here a lot better.
  9. Do you keep a good journal? I write in it about twice a month or so. My journal is actually like a scrapbook. I keep everything- from programs to tickets to pictures to notes to receipts- in there and write about everything that happens in my life.
  10. Do you enjoy school? Kind of. I like the whole learning thing and my friends are there, but... does it have to be so long?
My personality based on how I answered the questions: You are very artistic. You love to create. You do not necessarily get bored easily, but you enjoy improving the fun of things.
You get along with everybody and this will help you in life. You are very close to yourself and know how to deal with problems very well. You are very organized and well-kept, so your life will be very well balanced. Your priorities do not get in the way of your social life. You are probably very energetic. You are very smart, though you may not realize it. Keep people close to you, and it will help you in your life.
Wow! Spot on! Well, except for the part about me being smart and everything.
I think it doesn't just look at your answers, but how you answer the questions. I mean, how else could they tell that I'm energetic?
Oh, well.
Okay, I know this post appears to look really big, but I swear, it's not so much reading as it is looking at pictures. You'll see what I mean in a second here.
Anyways... I'm just kind of sitting here right now. We were going to hike to the "G" today, but it ended up raining. Funny how that works out, huh?
News: Yesterday, Austin and Larissa got married. I haven't seen the Jensens in forever; and I finally got to!
Dad comes home on Saturday. He saw Les Miserables last night and said it was very good.
Other news: my Mom bought me Ben and Jerry's ice cream! I haven't had that stuff in years!Trek!!!
I am so excited!
We are seriously going to look like the weirdest bunch of Pioneers ever. I mean, have you read the list? We're supposed to bring sunglasses, a bonnet, a skirt, an apron, socks (mine are polka dotted), BLOOMERS, and such.
My bloomers are as cute as can be! They are bright green with blue, pink, and purple guitars running down them. I would have a couple of pictures to show you, but, at the moment, all of the pictures I've taken in the past... week aren't uploading very well.
Man, I'm excited. This is going to be great. :)
I finally go the pictures of Guys and Dolls. I'm sorry it took me so long; I know it's been over a month now, but with end-of-the-year-tests-and-parties-and-other-stressful-things, I've been a little... occupied. Here they are:
Dallin (my actor). It makes me laugh to see this picture of him because he's wearing mascara! It's also totally showing his personality. He's hilarious.
Marie. She played one of the leading female roles, Sergeant Sarah Brown.
Keaton. She was Miss Adelaide, another lead.
The all-around, famous Tyson. Sorry it took me so long to find a good picture. :)
Janessa. Her parents were in charge of the picture-taking, so there were so many, many pictures of her; it's so hard to narrow it down to one! I'll do two, just for laughs.
Cameron. I don't think I've mentioned him before, but he's a really cool guy and I just couldn't resist showing off his sweet pants!!! Aren't they the best? Actually, you probably can't see them as well as I thought you could, but they're green. Ha!I hope you all enjoyed that.
For more pictures, I will try to post a slideshow (made so kindly by Sister James for all of the cast members) in the near future that has many more pictures.
I finished my book (it had a cheezy ending, but other than that, I would give it an 8.7 out of 10. I'm a very harsh judger) and I think I will take Katie's advice and read number two.
Dad's coming home tomorrow night. I've missed him so much. Three weeks is much too long. I think I already said that... oh, well. My mind's been going crazy lately.
All, right. I need to go sew some pajama pants with my Mom.
The Quote of Today is from I.Q. You might have to read it several times before you get it. It's really funny!
Signing out!
Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: Crazy driver! They should make people have to pass a test before they can drive!


Anonymous said...

Where did you get that personality test? It looks really interesting! I want to take it. Could you tell me where you found it?
Lots 'o Love,

Lizzie said...

I'm not sure.
I can find out for you, though, if you just answer the same questions and send me your answers. Thanks.
Love ya!


Janessa said...

Nice. I didn't know that you hated mayo. Weirdo. Just kidding! Olive you!