Thursday, April 30, 2009


Tahlia says, "hallu! howz are you peeps? isn't Lizzie just amazing?? All in favor, raise you right hand and say 'YEA-YAH!' i know right!"
Lizzie says, "I agree!"
News on the Swine Flu: 60 people in Mexico have died already, 3 people in Utah (at least) have it, and it has hit almost every continent on Earth. Mr. Obama has "appointed" an expert on the flu. Wow. Nervous much?
I am backstage at Guys and Dolls right now (Sister Oyler, you have two more nights!!!) with a bunch of my BFFs, including Tahlia, who wrote the above message.
Sarah's here now. It's time to continue National Treasure.
Yes, Mom. I finished my homework.
The Quote of Today is from Mrs. Brande.
Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: Is this worthy of one of your Quote things?


Lizzie said...

Hello! I'm so bored, I thought I'd just comment on my own post! This is cool! I love you Lizzie!