Sunday, May 3, 2009

Miscellaneous Stuff

In this post, we will cover many things, including swine flu, Guys and Dolls, closing night kisses, the Create video, pictures, and much, much more.

Swine flu prevention tip: DON'T DO THIS!!!
Oh, yuck.
Every time I see this, I think, what kind of parents laugh and grab the camera?
Helllloooooo... huge life-threatening disease going around!
I bet this kid was the first to die.
I hope the parents are happy.
Next subject: the Create video. I think I've sent this out in an email before, but I wanted everybody to see it. This is my all-time favorite talk (by President Uchtdorf), and it gets to me every time I see it. Did I spell Uchtdorf right?
I'm hoping that it worked; I've never really done a video on my blog before. I guess there's a first for everything!
Like hugging.
Funny story.
I hugged a boy for the first time this week... and every day since. By the end of the show, I was hugging everybody!
Guys and Dolls is over!
I'm not sure whether to cry or laugh. I'll do both!
Pictures soon to come.
I just realized that I've never shown you a picture of anyone besides me! Well, there was a picture of Janessa, but she was crying. It's no good. How about a quick introduction?
Sorry... I don't have many pictures besides the birthday ones, even though that was back in September. I might have some better ones.
P.S. I'm going down all my old blog posts and trying to find pictures of everybody I've ever mentioned. It may be awhile.
Presenting... Jessi Freeman: the ultimate BFF.Katie. Who could make a Snoopy look cuter? I'm sorry it's a little blurry...Kyra. She's now in Australia... :`(

Janessa. I couldn't find a good picture of her, so I went on her blog. I hope that's okay. It's a lot better than the pictures I had... what? Did you think I would let you get a model picture like you have on your blog? Oh, by the way, this is us on the Fourth of July last year. I was handing out fliers for Hale Center Theatre in the Provo parade. Yea, me!

Whitney. Wearing a cute, homemade David Archuleta fan club shirt. Isn't she so pretty?

Sadie B. Cute as ever, but she moved out of the neighborhood. I miss you, Sadie! Emily is behind her. She is a little newer to the neighborhood.

Jamy. A little blurry, but you get the idea.

Taylor. He's the newest newcomer of them all. I got this one off of his blog, too.

That was fun.
I don't know why I've never shown these pictures before; I've always had them!
There are a bunch of other people to meet, but I can't find pictures of them.
Bailey, as soon as you see this, can you put a picture on your blog so I can copy it on to here really fast? Thanks!
Last subject: Closing Night Kisses.
A tradition at Musical Theatre performances.
Here’s how it works: every girl in the play runs off stage as soon as the show's over and puts on the brightest, reddest lipstick you've ever seen (and a lot of it). Then, they proceed to chase every boy in the building down to kiss him.
A couple of people wanted a kiss from me (like Dallin and David), but they didn't get one.
Tough luck.
On the bright side of things, I did give out hugs! On the bright side of things, I did give out hugs! Tee, hee. Okay. I need to go now. The Quote of Today is Dallin's idea of an "invitation." There wasn't, by the way (you'll get it later)
There is are new songs and a new background, by the way. This one seems a little more… I don’t know… me! Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: There’s still room for one more kiss!


Janessa said...

You totally picked that picture to bugg me. I know it. And I didn't miss that you did not say anything nice about me either. Thanks.

Lizzie said...

I wasn't about to let you have a model shot! And I did say nice things about yout! Like... I was in the parade! Ha, ha.

Lizzy said...

I love your blog, Lizzie! I need to blog really bad. I haven't been on in forever. I will make that something that will turn into a habit (I hope!) Post a pic of me! I think it will add some awesome flair to your blog! :D
Lots of Love,