Monday, May 4, 2009

Lemon Bars

As of yesterday afternoon, there are over 900 cases of swine flu in about 18 countries. There are 20 confirmed deaths.
Just so you know what you're dealing with.
I added Whitney's picture to the last post, just in case you missed it.
Now for the title...
(I'm trying to use more pictures on this blog...)

Lemon bars!

I come downstairs yesterday after working on a Young Womens value project, and my Dad is cooking! Wow. Something must be up.
Now I look over to my Mom. What is she doing...?
Yup. Making lemon bars.
My first reaction is: "No way! I've wanted lemon bars for forever! How did you know?"
Wait a second.
My second reaction: "So... when's the meeting?"
But guess what, people? I am still standing here today! I did not die! She brought some home with her! Hooray! They are in my locker right now, waiting to be eaten for lunch. Yum...
On that happy note, the Quote of Today is from Jessi's blog.
Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: If I had a pig, I'd name it Swine Flu!