Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu

And yes, I am writing this post in full knowledge of the risk that an angry mob may kill me if I continue writing.
Hi there!
So... do you have it yet? The Swine flu? It is in (supposedly) eleven states already. Two schools in Utah have been shut down because of it.
I am becoming Bob Wiley! Paranoid because of a stinkin' disease! Yikes! I'm going to start walking around with a tissue in my hand and... and... and...
I'm already coming up with an emergency package for when I get it (and yes, I will get it, it's just a matter of when I will get it). Included is my iPod (so I will die with This is Just a Dream by Carrie Underwood stuck in my head), laptop (so I can email my family our last goodbyes on the downstairs computer), journal (so when I die, the scientists can study how my brain was affected while I was dying), Book of Mormon (so I will have a better chance of making it to Heaven), chocolate (because all the girls in our ward and I made a pact that we will die with chocolate in our mouths), and a guitar (so I will die composing).
I think it's a pretty good list so far!
Now all I need to do is a) repent, and b) say goodbye.
Goodbye, cruel world! I love you all!
I will always remember... the bus rides and car crashes and stuff.
I will miss you, but it probably won't take very long for the rest of you to join me.
The Quote of Today is from Mrs. MacFarlane. It seemed very appropriate.
Hasta Luego! FOREVER!!!

Quote of Today: There are two things you must do in this life: die and pay taxes.


Kurst said...

You are so funny Lizzie, just make sure you go to church for your last time so I can tell you goodbye.