Thursday, April 30, 2009


Tahlia says, "hallu! howz are you peeps? isn't Lizzie just amazing?? All in favor, raise you right hand and say 'YEA-YAH!' i know right!"
Lizzie says, "I agree!"
News on the Swine Flu: 60 people in Mexico have died already, 3 people in Utah (at least) have it, and it has hit almost every continent on Earth. Mr. Obama has "appointed" an expert on the flu. Wow. Nervous much?
I am backstage at Guys and Dolls right now (Sister Oyler, you have two more nights!!!) with a bunch of my BFFs, including Tahlia, who wrote the above message.
Sarah's here now. It's time to continue National Treasure.
Yes, Mom. I finished my homework.
The Quote of Today is from Mrs. Brande.
Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: Is this worthy of one of your Quote things?

Swine Flu

And yes, I am writing this post in full knowledge of the risk that an angry mob may kill me if I continue writing.
Hi there!
So... do you have it yet? The Swine flu? It is in (supposedly) eleven states already. Two schools in Utah have been shut down because of it.
I am becoming Bob Wiley! Paranoid because of a stinkin' disease! Yikes! I'm going to start walking around with a tissue in my hand and... and... and...
I'm already coming up with an emergency package for when I get it (and yes, I will get it, it's just a matter of when I will get it). Included is my iPod (so I will die with This is Just a Dream by Carrie Underwood stuck in my head), laptop (so I can email my family our last goodbyes on the downstairs computer), journal (so when I die, the scientists can study how my brain was affected while I was dying), Book of Mormon (so I will have a better chance of making it to Heaven), chocolate (because all the girls in our ward and I made a pact that we will die with chocolate in our mouths), and a guitar (so I will die composing).
I think it's a pretty good list so far!
Now all I need to do is a) repent, and b) say goodbye.
Goodbye, cruel world! I love you all!
I will always remember... the bus rides and car crashes and stuff.
I will miss you, but it probably won't take very long for the rest of you to join me.
The Quote of Today is from Mrs. MacFarlane. It seemed very appropriate.
Hasta Luego! FOREVER!!!

Quote of Today: There are two things you must do in this life: die and pay taxes.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Naughty. Bad. Evil.

I am in school right now.

I know that must sound weird, because it's a Saturday, but get this: 
They leave the library doors open!!!
The only reason I'm here is because of a double dress rehearsal for Guys and Dolls. Janessa and Whitney and I are here... I have absolutely no idea where Tyson is. Don't ask me.
I'm bored.
And hungry.
I only got four pieces of pizza.
It's hot in here... not the library, but this outfit. Imagine me in long black pants that are all itchy and stuffy and rest on your stomach and not your hips. Now put me in a long white shirt, black flats, and a short purple band jacket with fringe, and you have me in the mission band outfit.
Geez. I keep telling you about the play. How about you all just come see for yourself?
I'm so brilliant.
Guess who's with me? Yup. It's darling Whitney. I think Janessa went home. She got bored or something.
I don't blame her.
I'm running out of steam. What should I talk about now?
I'm soo bored!
Now Whitney is turning on Netflix on her computer. What should we watch?
We're turning on What About Bob?. Wait.
Never mind.
You have to install it. And a password to do that.
We'll just watch Psych.
Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm Actually Not Sure What to Call this Post, Because it Covers so Many Different Wonderful New Arrangments and Events in My Life Lately!

I left off with us going skating, right?
Well, guess how that day ended?
Come on, you should know me.
In the hospital.
Ha, ha.
We were snowball dancing at Classic Skating Center (dumbest game ever invented, by the way) and I fell on my right arm. Cole dropped me. Funny, huh? I ended up spraining my wrist, damaging all of the tissue that runs up the arm, and when my doctors (Callie and Tyson- funny how that turns out) took a very long look at the x-ray, they realized that I broke my arm and wrist a long time ago and never knew. It healed on its own, but a little wrong.
At least I added to my collection of hospital bracelets, right?
Ha, ha.
New news: Rehearsal for Guys and Dolls started. It's going great! Janessa and Whitney and I are in the acting part, and Tyson is in the cockpit (I think that's how you spell it) playing the cello. We are all very good, except I'm going to have nightmares about my outfit tonight: a hot pink fifties prom dress with puffed sleeves that would be mistaken for the world's biggest hot air balloons from three hundred miles away! Not to mention the most ridiculous hat I've ever seen before! I'm sorry I put that ugly picture in your minds. Ew. Please forgive me (keep in mind that if I really cared about your nightmares, I would have just erased that part).
The bus ride to school (always the most "amusing" part of my day) was interesting today.
If you really want to know, ask Janessa. Or Jessi. Or Tyson. Or Logan. Or anyone else in the usual torturous bus group.
I amuse myself.
I signed up for next year's classes. I'm on the Utah Scholar's program, even though I want to go to college in New York. Blogging no longer seems like a possibility in the ninth grade:

-Ninth grade honor's English
-AP human geography
-Honor's world civilizations
-Ninth grade girl's PE
-Computer tech (an essential class you have to pass to graduate high school)
-Foods (the easiest class on here)
-Spanish 2

Have you ever read the Maximum Ride books? Well, I just checked out Fang's blog. It's really neat. Now that I've got your attention, here's the site:
I suppose I'll get some sleep now.
Leave some comments, people! I feel unloved!
The Quote of Today is from Taylor's blog. Well said, if you ask me!
Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: I love snowboarding!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Party of the Year

We're watching Bolt right now.
I hope everybody's spring break is going well!
Day one (Saturday): I got to hide the Easter eggs! We hid over 200 eggs, all with candy in 'em. I think we still have two or three left to find.
Day two (Sunday): Easter! We ate lots of food and I got some pink earphones from the Easter bunny.
Day three (Monday): I sat at home and wished I had a life.
Day four (Tuesday): I sat at home, did some homework, and wished I had a life.
Day five (Wednesday): We got our pictures taken for our passports (AUSTRALIA!!!) and got Cole. We then went to the Legacy Lehi Rec Center to swim. It was awesome!
Day six (Thursday): The best day ever! We went to BYU Campus- complete with cinnamon bears, the Creamery, a fur Museum, and bowling. Confession time: Every single time I've ever gone bowling, I've come in dead last. I've never gotten a strike or anything. But I came in second both rounds!!! Of course, one of those times was a tie with Cole.
It was a pretty awesome day.

Now for where the awesome Party of the Year title comes in.
When we were deciding what to do with Cole when he came, I was so excited! We were going to have a party every day and call night games every night. But it snowed. I was so sad! I was determined to come up with night games anyways, so we threw the best party ever. Sadie J., Bryce, Jessi, David, Daniel, Tyson, Taylor, Janessa, Andrew, Emily, Bailey, and Cole's friends, Alexis, Lindsay, and Kim all came. It took me forever to find Tyson and Taylor; I had to get both their parents' cell phone numbers to find them! Sorry, Jamy and Logan. You were on vacation!
We had a bunch of junk food, had a dance off, played Do you love your neighbor? and Mafia. We tried to play Scum and Spoons, but they didn't work out.
After a couple of hours, a couple people left and we played Mad Gab and looked for What about Bob? (we couldn't find it; sorry guys!) and played Ticket to Ride (Tyson and Taylor brought it) and a whole bunch of other games. We had a live band playing in the background (David and Daniel took turns playing my guitar) and Cole danced. I was on a team with Tyson and Taylor. We won, of course! It's nothing personal, it's just that we're better than you. That was from Madagascar 2 for those of you weirdos who have not seen it yet.
All in all, it was the best party ever! It was a good group and we had so much fun. Except we need to do it somewhere else next time. Popcorn was everywhere!
We'll do it again, okay?
The Quote of Today is a pickup line to get a cellphone number that Tyson taught me.
We're going skating now. Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: Do you have a cell phone? Does that cell phone have a number? What might that number be?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Just for Jessi

Break! Jessi needs this information!
You can use it too, but it is especially for her.
The background sites are:

There you go!

Quote of Today: Get it? Got it? Good!