Thursday, November 12, 2009

My New Look


I'm going to let you pick:
Option one: Long hair and braces.
No? Well, fine then. I was getting a little tired of that one, too.Option two: Short hair and braces (even though you don't see them).
Moving on...
Option three: Long hair and no braces.No? Well, fine then. You have two more options.Option four: SHORT HAIR AND NO BRACES!!!Option five: Crazy. :P
Don't ask me what I was doing!!! I swear I was under the influence....of chocolate that I can legally eat now!!!
I don't care whether you chose either option four or option five, but I hope you chose one of those. Because if you chose one, two, or three, you will not like what I just did to myself...
I bet you didn't guess that now, did you?
Ha, ha!
I surprised you!
I surprised me, too.
I forgot what carrots taste like.
Have you ever realized how soft your teeth are?
Because they're pretty dang soft.
Don't take advantage of the soft-ness.
Or eating hard stuff-ness.
This feels good.
This feels great.
This feels wonderful.
This feels good.
This feels great.
This feels wonderful.
I just thought you would like to know.
Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: I smile because I have no idea what's going on. :D

Monday, November 2, 2009



We have a lot to cover today.
Actually, I do. You have the choice to read all this or not (I know for a fact that half of you just skip to the Quote of Today! Don't deny it! I know you do it!).
When we last left off, I was on my way to Taylor's football game.
Go Cavemen!
This game was a seventh-grade football championship (I think I got that right) and we won by... a lot. I will not post the score because it was a huge debate/fight over whether the score was 32/6 or 14/6 or something like that. I don't pick sides. I just bring cookies and cheer for the best team. In this case, it was Taylor's team.
He made some awesome touchdowns (is that the correct expression?)!
Oh, and it was in the middle of that huge blizzard thing... snow! :)
It was fun.
Next part of today: Halloween. Approximately 13 days ago.
First of all, you must know what I was.
Guess what I was!
What do you think I was?
Actually, I don't think you can possibly guess what I was. It was an original idea made by-who else?- me! I was Miss Matched.
Please take note of my mismatched outfit, earrings, braces, eyelashes (click on the picture for a bigger image), socks, shoes, pajama pant leg lengths, glove vs. no glove, makeup, boa thing, jewelry etc., etc.Jessi, who was Super Girl.Janessa, the Nurse.Katie as Bugs Bunny. I love you, Katie!!! Brielle! I LOVE HER!!! I just want to keep her! She's one of the cutest little girls on the whole planet Earth, with the exception of my own little sister! She was Ariel (Little Mermaid), but during one of the activities that the Youth were putting on, the prize was fangs, which she took (she also took pencils- I love the kids that take pencils over candy!).Another Halloween Brielle moment: my Mom promised her a special prize if she came trick-or-treating at our house, and so on Halloween, when she came over I asked my Mom if I could go in and get Brielle another pencil, to which Brielle replied, "Yes, you may!" Awww...
The ninja cat... inside joke. It's blury because he was doing one of his "hiss-y" ninja moves.Caleb and Daniel are twins, and for Halloween, Caleb was a BYU fan... :D While Daniel was a Ute fan... :P
This is my cousin Alexis's little girl, Isabel. She was a monster from Monsters Inc. I love that show!
This is my cousin Andrew's little girl, Nora (is there and "h" at the end of that? I've seen it both ways). She was the cutest pumpkin in the world!
Alexis's little boy, Gabe. He was spiderman and he had gotten ahold of a big Nerf gun or something in thes particular picture. He's tough.Oh, and Logan got on the bus on Friday with a jacket on, right? We thought he was a party pooper at first or something, but when we got onto the bus that afternoon to go home, he had taken his jacket off to reveal a Superman shirt.
This is what Jessi (Supergirl) had to say about that:
And who can forget the Superbaby in the family? Sorry it's dark...
Morgan. She actually posed!
Bryce. He was a "a blind-hippy-police officer-cowboy-Indiana Jones-ninja." In his own words.
Halloween was awesome! At my Dad's work, he was Scooby Doo.
Esther learned this year how to cheat little brother out of his earnings. You know you've done this before; she actually learned it from me once she realized I did this to her... once. I was a little kid, okay?
Stuff like, "Matthew, I got the biggest tootsie roll ever, and I'm feeling generous today. It's worth a lot to me, so you should give me your two king sized Twix bars for my tootsie roll. I know it looks small, but I promise you that it's really good!
Matthew: "Okay! Are you sure?"
Esther: "I promise. I don't even like Tootsie Rolls."
And everybody's happy. Esther, because she just got two king sized Twix bars, and Matthew with his tiny tootsie roll.
Last segment: Facebook.
I have given in to the evils of temptation and gotten myself a Facebook. I have over 150 friends, including friends from school, the ward, as well as EFY friends, cousins, Trek, and friends from my old schools.
So... become my friend! :)
The end.
Hasta luego!
Quote of Today: Well behaved women rarely make history.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Aw, come on man. You really can't deny it this time.
Today was (is- I'm not dead yet) a wonderful day. Over and over again, it just kept getting better.
For instance, when I got to school today on day one of wearing a coat (woot!), I found out that our school today would play host to a busload of Japanese exchange students that spoke no English whatsoever. They were all really cool- I had a handfull of each of them in each of my classes.
Then I got 98% (you can't really do that with caps lock on, but if I could, it would be in huge letters) on a big map test after the librarian helped me. She told me the weirdest story ever to help me, but, hey, it worked. Same thing with Logan and Cameron's weird ways of remembering the physical features of Western Europe. I mean, come on- "Py likes apples, so he will take nine from his ballpoint pen" is supposed to help me remember that the four mountain ranges are the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennines, and the Pindus mountain ranges.
I will admit that it helped me (don't ask me how) on the test.
For those of you just joining us here on Lizzie's blog, my name is Jill and this is where I talk my guts out. It doesn't have to make sense and nobody has to listen.
Lizzie is the amazing cousin of my aunt's brother in law. Like I said, my name is Jill.
So, anyways...
I scored 98% (in all caps) on a big test today.
Then we had chocolate rolo cookies in foods.
Then it snowed in Seminary.
This is not something to get casual over. Snow. You think I just say it like it happens everyday.
Well, it doesn't.
Snow is the beauty of life.
The reason for water.
The reason for hands.
The reason for gloves.
The reason of winter (besides oranges).
Snow, people. SNOW!!!
I kinda like snow.
And now I am dancing around my house, eating cookie dough and rocking out to Basshunter.
I mean...
I'm doing homework and the cookie dough is all in the oven and not in my tummy.
My mother reads this blog.
I gotta go. I really need to, uh, finish my essay.
Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: ~
What's your favorite letter?
Mine's the squiggly.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


What was the first argument between Adam and Eve?
Who got to wear the plants.

Quote of Today: You just got it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Cupcake Day

Today is the one-year anniversary of the carcrash. May you live without pain!
I had a cupcake day today.
Every now and then, I got a sprinkle, but for the most part, there way too much frosting (unless they were Lizzy's Mom's cupcakes- yummmmmmm!), however, the moisture was almost perfect.
Do you ever have those?
The sprinkles of today: Jon Schmidt finally released Love Story Meets Love Story (you thought I'd forget about that, didn't you? But an elephant never forgets)!!! Yeah, they renamed it, but who cares? It's on iTunes for only 99 cents!!! Ahhhhh!!! As soon as I get money I'm buying it!!!!!!!!!
They also gave the cello an amazing solo. I loved it and I think it turned out really good. The first one wasn't doing the cello any justice.
Now that I think about it, the cello is in almost every song in this new album.
I'm not complaining- it turned out beautiful.
Then, we played volleyball in PE. Normally, that goes terrible, but it was actually okay today.
For lunch, I had Cup-o-Noodles. Total sprinkle moment!
And when Jessi and I were (as usual) bugging the librarian and she started talking to us and asked us if we could do some service for her. We said, "Why, we'd love to!" and she took us to Mr. Whitaker's office (Vice Principal- I know, at this point I was pretty scared) and we had to wheel these book carrier things into her office and...
We did service!
In Biology, Katie and I were goofing off. Fun!
Too much frosting moments: Jessi had a moment today! Oh my gosh, in her third and fourth period classes, she was teased because people found out who her crush was!!! I know that when you come to my blog, you're expecting stuff about me, but this totally applies to me because I am greatly affected by her moods.
And we had a test in math today.
That's defiantly too much frosting.
And then...
Oh yeah!
As in... snowBOARDING!
I had a dream last night that I went snowboarding and saw-
For those of you (who probably don't snowboard or else you'd welcome the snow) who are screaming at the computer screen right now because you think it didn't snow the other day, I'd like you to know that, first, I can't hear you, and second, it really did snow.
I swear it did!
I don't lie!
Okay, maybe I make exceptions to that philosophy, but not on this blog!
Okay, maybe I do every now and then, but not about this!
Okay, maybe I would lie about this, but I'm not this time.
I'm not.
You still don't believe me.
Now you've added to my "too much frosting."
Anyways, I need to get back to... what I do.
Shoutouts: Saturday is BRYCE'S BIRTHDAY! I swear he's just thirteen. There is no way that he's just a month younger than me. HE'S NOT GOING TO BE A TEACHER UNTIL NEXT YEAR.
Wow. Caps Lock is getting tired from this post.
Tomorrow is my first stake dance. I was excited for Cole to take me, but there's a PG Varsity game that night in Salt Lake and it goes until late.
Apparently there's a Princess Dance the next morning, but there is no way Jessi and Janessa are going to drag me into that. No way!!!
Additional news: We got our school picture. Ahhh!
Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: Muffins are just ugly cupcakes.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I apologize, but my cousins just came over and Nash and Quaid are complaining about how they don't have pictures on my blog (and yes, Quaid, I think that fully qualifies as "complaining"), so, here are their pictures. This is Lagoon. Nash was practically a baby. Awww...This is at Grandmom's house, playing a game. Quaid thinks he looks very "sexy" (that's how he put it) in this outfit.This is Quaid's amazing chin. It's a square.

And those are my cousins. Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: Life is like an artichoke. I don't know why, it just is.

MAJOR UPDATES: Everything Else!


Well, what haven't I covered in MAJOR UPDATES? There was the end of EJ Super Summer Camp and an awesome slip-n-slide. We had a youth party and stuff. It was pretty fun. We played human bowling and there were treats and everything. It was pretty cool.
This is our last move as the Founders of EJ Super Summer Camp. Doesn't it make you wish it was still Summer?

The next day was my Dad's Graduation/Birthday Party. We did the same thing.Oh, did you know that tarantulas eat crickets? Yeah, we've been trying to feed him grasshoppers for two weeks (probably why he tried to bite us every time we tried to reach in). He ate and he's happy now!

I saw August Rush! It was AMAZING!!!

I think we've covered everything. I didn't miss anything, did I? Oh, well. Hasta luego.

Quote of Today: Girls can do everything boys can do. They just do it in high heels.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

MAJOR UPDATES: Logan's Eagle

Buenos dias.
Not working for you?
I didn't think so either.
We'll just stick with "Yo."
We have now moved on to one of the last portions of MAJOR UPDATES.
In this segment, we will be reviewing Logan's Eagle Project.We made these packet things for the upcoming election and delivered them to every single house in Cedar Hills. Woah.

I got there a little late because I had piano. In piano, I'm taking a Theory course that ends out being college level material. You never get college credit, but if you want to study music when you grow up, it helps you prepare.
Anyways, I was late because I was taking the end-of-level test and I got 100%!
I'm not sure you heard me correctly. You're not screaming out with joy.
One hundred percent!
Am I scaring you yet?
Oh, well.
Where was I?
Oh, yes. Logan's Eagle Project.
It was fun.
Logan (duh), Jessi, Janessa, Tyson, Tim, Taylor, Channing, Davis, and Jacob were there. It was fun- At one point, Brother Seegmiller brought down a bag of skittles and I took out all of the green ones. Jessi followed me and took out all of the yellow ones (in memory of her old crush- I know! Something about Pears!)...And then Tyson got all mad at us and took out all of the purples. Then Logan took the reds and Channing took the...
Don't even get me started about the Jolly Ranchers.
His Eagle Project ended up being more of a party. We had contests to see who could get a hundred packets done first (Janessa totally cheated) and we played music and karaokeed the whole time, and Jessi and I took a million videos and pictures.
And then there was this one time where Logan and Tyson took my camera and ran into the back room (while it was still recording- Thanks, guys, just what I needed- a beautiful shot of Logan's room. Talk about tornado) and everybody ran back to look at all of my pictures while I was the only one left working. I want credit when Logan actually gets his Eagle! Who was it doing the work while he was back there playing around?
Which reminds me...
The star himself. No, this is not actually during the project, this is on the way to Youth Night, it's just that all of his pictures of the actual Project were blurry and this is the best clean shot of him I could find.
See? Blurry.Janessa. She claims to have been babysitting. I think it turned out to be being babysat rather than actually doing work.I think it's important for you to know that most of these pictures Jessi took, so they are very blurry. Yes, Logan's picture was taken by Jessi.
Me. WORKING!!!Channing. It's okay. She can take a small break to smile at my camera.Sarah. I love, love, love Sarah!!! We're birthday buddies. September ninth! Jacob. I'm curious to see how this kid will end up... Tim.
Taylor.Tyson. Staring off into space. Ha, ha.Tyson... SMILING!!! It took me so much effort and work to get this picture, but after an endless process of fixing and revising and everything, it paid off. He's so proud of his record of not letting me have a smiling picture. LOOK WHO GOT THE LAST LAUGH!!!
Us. With Jessi Blocking my face.

Hasta luego. Stay tuned for next time (I'm not really sure where to stop with MAJOR UPDATES).

Quote of Today: I am a bomb technician. If I am running, try to keep up.