Me getting off of my bottom. Why are all of our pictures of us a) on the bus, b) resting, c) falling, or d) on our bottoms?
Happy Thanksgiving.
Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year.
Happy Esther's Birthday.
Happy Matthew's Birthday.
Happy Mom's Birthday.
And Kwanza.
And Hanikka.
Did I spell either of those right?
Well, I've been gone a long time and we've covered a lot of holidays, so HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
I think.
I hope you guys had good holidays.
I know I did. :)
Let's see... snowboarding every single day in electric blue snowboarding pants... parties (big parties)... more snowboarding... pajama days... does life get much better?
Not by too much.
New music! Smile by Uncle Kracker is currently my favorite song in the whole wide world!!! A close second is Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble. They are amayzing!!!
And yes, there is a new background. I hope it does my amazing mood some justice. It's green and blue, people...
And yes, there is a new background. I hope it does my amazing mood some justice. It's green and blue, people...
What else has happened?
Let's see...
Esther had a spa party (cute!) and Matthew had a space party.
Remind me to never have boys.
Actually, we're learning in Biology (ugh) that when you have a boy, it's the Dad's fault.
So remind my husband not to let me have a boy.
Or you can remind me to tell my husband that I don't want a boy.
Just watch... in twenty years, I'm going to show all of my sons this blog and they're going to cry.
Maybe I can have one son.
Or two.
Or three.
Or four.
But I still want a girl.
Geesh, how many kids am I gonna have?!?
How about none?
I'm gonna be the old cat lady that intimidates all of the teenagers on the street into egging her house.
Except I'm gonna have snakes.
No cats for me!
Or kids!
That's me.
You guys missed me.
You did.
I swear you did!
You just didn't know it.
I did.
Moving on...
The girl's PE went cross-country skiing last Semester. I love how we do this... we always take all the budget. In Brook's class we went to a five-star restaurant and the second semester went to McDonald's. In PE we went cross-country skiing and this semester gets to go swimming for 2 bucks a person.
This is Jess and Katie on the way (don't ask me what Jess is doing).
Jess and I at lunch...

Jessi on her bottom. It was hard, okay?

Hee, hee. Look at all of my sad tracks. AND MY BLUE PANTS!!! This is us on our feet (even though, seconds later, we are both on the ground again)...
Next subject: Snowboarding. Snowboarding. SNOWBOARDING!!! AHHHHH!!!
Above: Tyson. We kinda sorta named ourselves, and he got the name Midnight (I came up with that one and apparently he liked it). But now I'm considering something more along the lines of Ninja. Below: Klutz (a.k.a Logan). We tried (key word- tried) to teach him how to snowboard. He actually wasn't to bad, considering that it was his first day and he's... *cough*... Logan...

Taylor. Smug little smile on his face. He thought he was being funny for my camera. Pssh.

This was the best moment EVER!!! Taylor totally dropped his pass and somebody (luckily) picked it up. AMAYZING!!! I have two shots of this particular picture.

I think we've covered funny. Especially since we had a High School Orientation thing this week. I DON'T WANNA GO TO HIGH SCHOOL!!! LET'S SKIP STRAIGHT TO COLLEGE!!!
And... yeah. Signing out. Hasta luego.
Quote of Today: Junior High is that worst thing that's happened to me since Elementary School.
1) It's spelled Haunikka.
2)I thought you were never gonna get married.
3)Hmmm....ninja.....I think I know where you got that name from.
4)Boys are awesome.
5)Taste the freakin rainbow. (I swear, every week there is at least 1 new insult you come up with to call me)
1. Really?
2. I'm not. I think I said that a few times on there.
3. Have you checked Taylor's blog recently? You came up with that name. On his blog post.
4. I didn't say they're not. I just said girls are better.
5. Jessi started it. And guess who continued it? Oh! That's right! It was... YOU!!!
I know it's just I didn't want to completely give it away. I thought that taylor gave you the name and then you told tyson. Apparently you check taylor's blog a lot more than I thought. (and I thought that was taylor in the picture, not him)
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