Friday, January 29, 2010

This... That... and Everything in Between!!!


Awww man. I haven't done this in forever!
Blogging has escaped my vocabulary lately.
Just kidding... APRIL FOOLS!!!
Did you know that April Fools is on April 1st? I woke up on April 2nd all excited to play some pranks (I had good ones in mind, too) and I realized that everybody was serious about it really being on April 1st.
Next year, baby!!! *evil scheme begins to form...*
Let's see... last time I posted was about snow, right?
Well, snowboarding season ends tomorrow.
Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love the snow- snowboarding, snowmen, snowball fights, snowboots, snoweverything, but once snowboarding (yes, the most important one) season is over, the snow needs to melt so we can get on with Summer already.
I'm soooooooo ready for Summer.
I hate school. Well, now. I know, last post I was talking about how I love it and happy and joy and smiles and everything and now... NOW I KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT IT ALL!!!
School is just torture!!! It's all lies and fake and it's only to make everybody miserable!!!
Speaking of school...
I picked out my classes for next year!!!
Do you want to hear them?
Come on, you know you do!
Okay, well, I'll tell you anyways.

Semester One
A1- Current Issues (no idea...)
A2- Drama and Film (cooleo- hahahahaha Jessi! Remember that?)
A3- Honor's English
B1- Algebra 2 (yuck. ew. icky. blah. vomit. yuck.)
B2- Health (awkward silence...)
B3- Orchestra (WOOOOHOOOO!!! FINALLY!!!)
B4- Chemistry
Semester Two
A1- Fitness
A2- Emergency Medical Services (funny story... I thought it might come in handy)
A3- Honor's English
B1- Algebra 2 (recover and vomit again)
B2- Child Development (with Whitney!!! Sorry, Emm3a, I'm staying...)
B3- Orchestra (*PSYCHED!!!*)
B4- Chemistry

Aren't those awesome classes?
I still love you, Emm3a! I swear I do! I just... you know... can't work with saws... ;)
Goodness, I've been gone for a while! November, January, then March! Wow...
Let's see... what can I talk about?
Ooooooohhhhhh there was last night!
Yesterday, I got home, showered and everything, then Janessa and Alexis came over. Alexis did our hair!
It was amazing!
Check us out!!!
Okay, okay. Pictures...
During...After!!!This is our "Big and Sexy" hairspray. And yes, it did work. The hairstyles were big and we were... well... ya.SEXY!!! This is us modeling.After I took it all out when we were done (several hours later), these were all the bobby pins that it took to hold everything up. No, I didn't count them. I don't have the necessary patience to preform such a maddening task.
Then we went to a stake dance and danced our hearts out and then we came home and watched The Frog Princess (I know, I know- I totally gave into my girly side this week...) and pigged out on all of the licorice and Kudos in the house. Yuuuuuuummmmmmmmm!
We were up sooooo late...
What else? Oh, ya! Esther had a dance competition. This is her and her trio. Nice and sassy, ladies! Work it! Whistle, whistle!OH YEAH!!! HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
While Esther and the fam were off in St. George to cheer Princess Essie on, I was having the most amazing experiences ever at... (drumroll, please...)
My gorgeous companion, Jasmine...
She did have to go to Prom because Prom is soooo much more interesting than Youth Conference (*sniffle*), so I hung out around these guys... Sara and I were kinda sorta interesting... hahahahaha...
This is my mission!!! We went to Alaska for our mission. Coolest mission ever!!!
A few little facts: we don't walk or ride bikes; we drive 4 wheel drive trucks around. On occasion (especially in my mission) we use DOGSLEDS!!! Isn't that awesome?!?
We eat fish, whale blubber, reindeer, lots of fish, moose, and Oreos.
Yes, we ate all of those on our mini-mission.
Yes, I brought the Oreos.
Yes, it was all actually pretty good.
Weird fact: everybody there loves beef jerky except Sara and I (it's nasty!!! Ewwwwwwwww!!!) but Sara and I couldn't stop eating the moose jerky! I couldn't decide if I loved it or hated it (Yvaine agrees with me- hate and love can so easily be confused!), so I just had to have more until I decided. It wasn't until I ate the whole thing and then got sick the next day that I decided. Funny how that works...
Anyways!Yes, this is a toilet. No, that's not... ummm... what you think it is. It's chocolate sauce and pineapple juice. Yes, in the toilet. Congratulations. You have officially earned the golden medal of being obvious.
It's actually a great honor in South Antarctica.
Actually, I'm not sure if it is.
Actually, I doubt it is.
Actually, it's possible.
Why am I showing you this... um... scene? Because I think it looks cool. And because we had to clean this all up for a training activity.
I'm sure you're all downloading that image onto your computers as we (I) speak.
Our whole mission zone!This one's my favorite.
Look at David!
He does a funny face in all of them, this one is just the best.
So... yeah!
I have to go and do homework before I can get a new iTouch.
Yeah, it was kinda sorta stolen. I'm getting a new one.
My last note for today is a YouTube video that has got to be the best video I've ever seen in my life. Soooooo cute! I swear it's worth the 16.24 minutes. If you want to watch it, please click on this little bit of writing that has absolutely no value.
Because you are great.
You are awesome.
Hasta luego; I'll try to write a little more!
Quote of Today: I am discriminated against because I am mexicanese.


Janessa said...

Wan't this in april? Why does it say January?

Lizzie said...

Sorry I started it in January... now it's April...
Hahaha thanks for catching that!