Today, I got a package from a friend's mom. Inside was a note, which read:
Dear Lizzie,
I'm BEARy sorry, life is unBEARable without you as my friend!
Miranda's Mom.
Inside was a 5 pound bag of cinnamon bears.
Yes, in I've eaten nothing else in the past five hours. I'm halfway through the bag.
No, I'm not leaving this spot until it's completely finished.
Dear Miranda's mom... you are forgiven for laughing at my artwork.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
A few weeks ago, we went through a poetry unit in Socratic.
You know, metaphors, similes, slanted rhyme, personification... the basics.
But one thing we talked about really caught my attention.
A synesthesia combines two or more senses.
As in, "the air smelled warm with summer," or "the cookies tasted yellow."
Still confused? Watch this. It won't help with the confusion.
Is this crazy or what?!? You may need to watch it once or twice...
Anyhow, synesthesias got me going on my newest personal project.
I'm composing in full score what foods would sound like. So far, I've done rice, lemonade, molases, pinneapple, and watermelon. It's crazy!
Love this stuff.
Life and Advil
Advil saved my life.
Last year when I practically lived in the AF hospital, it saved my life. And now, as I sit here wishing I wasn't sick, Advil is once again saving my life.
Don't you wish we had an Advil for life?
He broke your heart? Here; take an Advil! All the pain will go away!
You're stressed about school? You want better grades? You're tired? You need more money?
Might I suggest something?
Perhaps we don't need expensive pills to make us smile. Maybe we just need to look around us.
Thank you to Maya, who let me entertain her for a few hours, several months ago. Whenever I see this picture, it makes me smile.What makes you happy?
Making cookies?
Eating cookies?
Two of the things that I think make me most happy are music and memories. Thinking back on good memories that make me most smile, or even going out and creating memories with my family. Here's a clip of my three-year-old cousin, Claire, you combines these two things.
Quote of Today: Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.
-Lord Byron