Saturday, August 15, 2009


This is my Dad, trying to get a video of my sister in her crib.
During which, at the most inconvenient time, I am getting dressed and, well... run into a bump.

This is me, afterwards.

This is my sister. He got the shot anyways.

Hasta luego... or will I?

Quote of Today: Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch it to be sure.


Anonymous said...

I love how your dad turns the corner and there you are with your shirt on sideways and stuck on your head. Random. I loved it!

Lizzie said...

That's me- random!
Love you; it's so fun to see you everyday now in school. I love having you in my classes.

Stephen Bryce Johnson said...

Ha Ha. That's funny.
You have to give me some blog advice Liz. You can get videos, music,custom backround,and I can't. how do you do it?

Also I have a quote of the day for YOU: Music is like throw away all the wrappers.

Lizzie said...

For the custom back ground, see my post, "Just for Jessi." It has links to places where you can find good backgrounds- they have boy backgrounds, too. As for the pictures, when you're making a post, there's a button in the tool box that lets you choose pictures.
Thanks for the Quote!
