Saturday, July 11, 2009

Trek and EFY


How did you all know that was coming?I am sooo sorry for not writing in a long time. I see that that hasn't stopped you from viewing; we now have over 2000 visitors. That is, on average, fifteen visitors a week (thanks for the calculations, Mom).
A picture is worth a thousand words, right?
So, here is are two pictures of me pulling the handcart. I had more photos, but the disposable camera got lost. :(Don't I look awful? At the very beginning of Trek, the camp doctor got up and gave us five things to worry about: bug bites, blisters, chaffing, sunburn, and hydration. I think. The whole time I was like, "Come on, Man! We've been hearing this for six months now! Let's get on the trail!
Boy, I really should have listened. I ended up with all of those things. But I am here today to tell you that every step of the way was worth it, from the floodings at night to the sun beating down on your face as you carry huge loads up mountains. If you ever get the opportunity to go on Trek, I challenge you to take it.
I like to read the Book of Mormon,
Pray morning, noon, and night.
I have standards,
And Values,
Just trying to live right.
I'm a righteous son or daughter
With a spiritual high,
Heigh, heigh,
Ho, ho,
There is nothing better than feeling the Spirit so strongly in one environment (like Trek), and bounce back over to another environment, like EFY.(and yes, thirteen-year olds can make it in.)
Of course, there is Janessa and I...
And some new faces: The counselors (from left to right- Angela, Jake, and Melinda). Melinda was my counselor.
Melinda.The twins (from left to right- Jacob and Zachary).Marissa and Kaylie were our next door neighbors and were very kind to put up with our very late nights (particularly after last night's all-nighter). You guys rock! Sorry it's a little blurry.The dancers!!! Holy cow! Watch this video! You won't regret it. Left to right, there is Zachary, Dallan, Jack, Jacob, and Janessa. I will teach you if you want, but Dallan is probably a way better teacher than I could ever be. Watch him; he's really good. The solo that Jack and Jacob do halfway through was a move made by Jacob at the previous dance.

And, of course, our company! Aren't they beautiful?
One game we liked to play was Ninja Destruction. Close-up of one of my successes (Yes!):

Janessa and I also went bowling with Zach and Jake. It was so much fun; I wasn't in dead last!!! I mean (clear throat), who cares about who wins and who loses? This was one of the strikes that was bowled.And the scores. I hope you can see it!And what EFY is complete without the dances? This is me sitting down at the end of the casual Tuesday night dance.This is Janessa and Dallan dancing, with everybody adding their own bit of flavor to the video.

Here's Janessa, Kailey, and Marissa at the dance.
The guys. Jacob, Zach, and John.
I was going to take a picture of the twins fighting (it was hilarious!) but there's not enough storage space in this post. Maybe next post.
One amazing advantage to living on BYU campus for a week was having the cinnamon bears and Holland Mints right next door, at the Wilk. WOAH!!!Then, on Friday night, we had a contest to see who could pull an all- nighter. Janessa, me, Jessi, six girls on our floor, the twins, Emily, and a couple others were doing it and Jessi and I were the only ones to finish it. We texted (or called) everybody every half hour to see if they were still awake and people stopped answering around one. Janessa fell asleep around three or something. I woke her up at five fifteen so she could pack, and we would go meet with the company one last time at six. When she finished packing, we sang "Happy Birthday" to Jace and got picked up by Mom, who bought us a Kneaders breakfast and came home. Matthew and Dad were at Father's and Son's campout- I always meant to go to those but was always too busy- where Matthew (tiny, six-year-old Matthew) got to drive a four-wheeler!!! He was so excited. Dad didn't take any pictures. Arrrg!

I need to go now. I have to call Sister Maag for some help with a hospital donation Value Project and put together all of the Girl's Camp music. I'm the new Girl's Camp music director and I only have about fifteen to twenty songs. If you have any suggestions of Girl's Camp songs (spiritual or funny), please comment and tell me! This applies to both leaders and girls!!!
The Quote of Today is from my Trek brother, Hayden. Every time we sung our family song, Hayden would make up songs to Disney songs. This is to the Tune of I'll Make a Man out of You, from Mulan.
Signing out. Please leave comments- I feel very unloved! Whether I know you from school, trek, EFY, church, or anywhere else, please comment. You don't even need a Blogger account! Just write your name! And check out my new profile picture. Hasta luego!

Quote of Today: Let's get down to business,
To defeat Satan,
Did they send us water,
When we asked for Powerade?
We're the coolest cats you'll ever meet.
If you have something to say,
We will hit you in the face
With our scriptures.


Anonymous said...

Wow I'm suprised I found your Blogger!(This is Mitch from Trek by the way) Haha wow Hayden's song brings back so many memories!...and our Family song was pretty much amazing. How many steps did we count on the last day, wasn't it 7604? Or was it 7603? Either way, it was pretty great that we counted the entire time haha

Lizzie said...

I think it was 7604.
Holy cow!!!
Mitch, it's been, like, two whole weeks!!! I can't believe it! I feel like I found a long-lost brother. Trek was amazing, wasn't it? See you at our reunion breakfast, okay? Haha.

Janessa said...

O.K., First:
I was the one who made the ONLY strike, just BTW.
Second, I love How I was the only girl doing the dance.

Anonymous said...

oh efy looks like so much fun i cant what ( yes i know thats spelled rong) tell next year my mom and dad might let me go it'll be soo fun ... think at lest and for the trek part of that post i just have to say I LOVED TREK and i wish i could do it agen it was the best oh and by the whay lizzie i think that the crosby family was the best by the way!!!

Lizzie said...

Dude, I posted the picture of the scores. You and Zach both got strikes. I posted the picture. But you're right, I didn't get a strike. You did a really good job! I think the strike I showed a picture of was your strike, in fact.

The Crosbys are awesome, but the Nebekers were the best. Hey, I love your new name.

Love you both!

Kates Rae said...

Hey Liz,
About those songs for camp. I just got back and we had this songbook, maybe I could bring it over sometime. It has great songs like Princess Pat, Noah,Fish and Chips and Vinegar, and a whole section of spirituals.

Lizzie said...

Cool! I've never heard of Fish and Chips! Are you sure...?