The best day of the year!!!
No, like seriously.
More on that later.
I'm sooo sorry I haven't gotten to blog lately! I swear that with summer coming up and all, there should be at least one post every week. Plus, I'll have a lot more to talk about. ;)
I am watching I. Q. right now. This is my favorite movie ever lately. If you have seen it, good for you. If not, see it!
Other news: I GOT A HAIRCUT!!! I got it very short this time, and every single time I look into the mirror, I freak out. I don't recognize myself! It ends right between my neck and my ears and I got it streaked with blonder highlights, too. The last time I had a haircut this short was, well...
Let's just say that I was younger (I hope they loaded all right).
Now for the big event of today. Yearbook signing!
No, seriously, everybody coming into Junior High next year, it is the best day of the entire school year! Explaining... you go to all of your classes: A1, A2, A3, A4, B3, B4, B1, B2 (also known as a C-day) for about 40 minutes each and get them signed by all of your friends. It's amazing! It's fun to see what everybody comes up with, too. Some people write about a funny experience you had with them, others write a little quote (some examples are, "Have a green smoothie," and "Hugs, not drugs"), and some wrote a sweet little message that only lasted one sentence.
Well, for the most part. There were still others that just wrote their name or drew a picture or wrote their phone numbers down. Today, a lot of people just wrote, "I love your hair!"
It's really a time where you get to sum up your whole year in a short message that your friends can all take home during the summer and remember you by. There were some people that cried the whole time. I laughed. Especially when we ditched (with permission) B2 to visit Mr. Brooks and get his autograph.
"Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie," he writes, "What to say? There are no words to describe this quite- well, once quiet student that has now evolved into a friend of Janessa's! Is this a good thing or a bad thing one might ask- yes- Mr. Brooks might say- this is a very good thing! You three [probably Janessa, Jessi, and I] were great! I'll most likely miss you guys! Mr. B."
Ha, ha!
Tomorrow is the last hour of school. Jessi isn't coming, so I don't see a point, but I guess I'll go anyways to cheer the teachers on in Battle of the Bands, teachers versus students.
I mean, if you think of it, the bus ride was the best part of my day. Why not? I was with all my best friends, normally eating, talking, and laughing, and school stress hadn't quite started yet. So, with the bus rides being over (because life is never complete without Jessi being there), why go to school? Is there a point to this madness? Oh, well. I'll bring my yearbook and (hopefully) finish up my signatures.
Time for Young Women's. We re going to watch Miss Utah speak. Fun!
By the way, if you are reading this right now, tomorrow night, we are celebrating school being out with teenage night games tomorrow night, from about seven-ish (you'll probably get a phone call) to ten-ish. Hope you can make it!
The Quote of Today is from I.Q. It's the best line of the whole movie!
Hasta luego!
Quote of Today: This is Ed Walton. If you had a nickel for every nickel he has, you would have a lot of nickels.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Yearbook Day!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Lately: As You Like It is on Saturday afternoon, the end of school is coming in fast and... yeah! Everything's going good!
Music!!! Both of these books included vocal music, guitar music, and piano music for every song in the musical. We also got some arranged Hymns book. Yea! I swear, some of this stuff was created especially for a girl named Lizzie Haws (me!). We also got a guitar bag. I gotta go; I'm writing this before school and the bell just rang. Hasta luego!
Quote of Today: Pigs fly!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Lemon Bars
Lemon bars!
I come downstairs yesterday after working on a Young Womens value project, and my Dad is cooking! Wow. Something must be up.
Now I look over to my Mom. What is she doing...?
Yup. Making lemon bars.
My first reaction is: "No way! I've wanted lemon bars for forever! How did you know?"
Wait a second.
My second reaction: "So... when's the meeting?"
But guess what, people? I am still standing here today! I did not die! She brought some home with her! Hooray! They are in my locker right now, waiting to be eaten for lunch. Yum...
On that happy note, the Quote of Today is from Jessi's blog.
Hasta luego!
Quote of Today: If I had a pig, I'd name it Swine Flu!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Miscellaneous Stuff
In this post, we will cover many things, including swine flu, Guys and Dolls, closing night kisses, the Create video, pictures, and much, much more.
I just realized that I've never shown you a picture of anyone besides me! Well, there was a picture of Janessa, but she was crying. It's no good. How about a quick introduction?
Janessa. I couldn't find a good picture of her, so I went on her blog. I hope that's okay. It's a lot better than the pictures I had... what? Did you think I would let you get a model picture like you have on your blog? Oh, by the way, this is us on the Fourth of July last year. I was handing out fliers for Hale Center Theatre in the Provo parade. Yea, me!
Whitney. Wearing a cute, homemade David Archuleta fan club shirt. Isn't she so pretty?Sadie B. Cute as ever, but she moved out of the neighborhood. I miss you, Sadie! Emily is behind her. She is a little newer to the neighborhood.
Taylor. He's the newest newcomer of them all. I got this one off of his blog, too.
That was fun.
I don't know why I've never shown these pictures before; I've always had them!
There are a bunch of other people to meet, but I can't find pictures of them.
Bailey, as soon as you see this, can you put a picture on your blog so I can copy it on to here really fast? Thanks!
Last subject: Closing Night Kisses.
A tradition at Musical Theatre performances.
Here’s how it works: every girl in the play runs off stage as soon as the show's over and puts on the brightest, reddest lipstick you've ever seen (and a lot of it). Then, they proceed to chase every boy in the building down to kiss him.
A couple of people wanted a kiss from me (like Dallin and David), but they didn't get one.
Tough luck.
On the bright side of things, I did give out hugs! On the bright side of things, I did give out hugs! Tee, hee. Okay. I need to go now. The Quote of Today is Dallin's idea of an "invitation." There wasn't, by the way (you'll get it later)
There is are new songs and a new background, by the way. This one seems a little more… I don’t know… me! Hasta luego!
Quote of Today: There’s still room for one more kiss!