I'm going through some of my baby pictures, among them, the one that is shown in my title. It was one of my favorites, and I thought it was perfect. I was cute when I was little!
Look at my hat!
The Quote of Today is from Jessi. I was telling her to not bring wrapping paper to New Beginnings on Saturday for our Faith table. For those of you not in our ward, that was probably gibberish. Hasta luego!
Quote of Today: No robbing paper? What's wrong with robbing paper? It's not like a million dollars or anything!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Way Back When I was Cute
Monday, January 26, 2009
I am Sooo Done With Hospitals and Cute Braclets With My Name On Them and Needles and White Beds!!!
Who missed me?
I've been to the hospital so many stinkin' times lately, and I don't have any pictures! So, last night, I charged my camera battery nice and long.
This morning (against my will), I was woken up at 5:15 so I could be to the hospital in Orem by six. Ew.
When I got there, they had a blue bracelet for me and another needle. I hate needles! They filled a couple of bottles with the blood, and then sent me on to get weighed (101 pounds) and... what do you call it, heighted? I am five foot seven. So I guess I'm pretty healthy. I could probably gain a little more weight than that and still be healthy. I'm not worried. I wouldn't have told you how much I weigh if I was worried.
Sorry. I went off topic.
They took a couple more tests before they had me undress and get into... (da, da-da, da!) a hospital gown! They really need to consider new styles. They also gave me disposable shoes- the ones that look like shower caps on your feet that you would normally wear in a nice new house- and (later) heated socks to go with. While we waited for the nurse to come back in, they gave me pile after heaping pile of heated blankets and showed me a small remote with two buttons: one to call the nurse and one to turn on the TV and switch stations. Not much was on at 6:30.
Now for the worst part of my day...
The IVs.
The doctors may tell you they're good for you, but don't be convinced!
It's a trap!
It hurts!
It stings!
I forced my Mom to take pictures but they're not on my laptop yet!
Actually, they're not that bad once the first needle (the one that numbs everything) is gone. After that, it feels somewhat relaxing. Somewhat. They taped it to me and inserted a liquid to my veins. Yuck. It still hurts.
After she left, I watched some more TV and she came back to put my hair in a cafeteria lady's hairpiece thing. Again with the shower caps.
Soon, they wheeled me away to the surgery room. I saw my doctor and my... anthesist? anathesist? Something like that. They turned on a bunch of country music.
"You play music when you're dissecting me?" I asked them.
"Why not?" they asked me. I guess they didn't mess up and cut out my heart or something, so I don't mind. Speaking of cutting out hearts, my parents went out and got a bunch of movies including Stardust (which is where the "speaking of cutting out hearts" comes in. This is one of my favoritest movies ever), Into the Woods (this is the one I was telling the girls about on the bus. Ha, ha), Lake House (good, cute, romantic, and surprisingly enjoyable, though I'm not normally big on romance. The only thing they could have done better was specify the time better. It's 2006 for her and 2004 for him, except now it's 2004 for both of them, now it's 2008... where is this going?), and Bourne Identity (I love this one! Holy cow! I love movies like this. My mom and I watched a couple of episodes of Alias together once upon a time, and I loved it, too. What is it about these action-packed spies and fast car chases movies that I love? My idea of the perfect date is spent entirely at the edge of your seats the whole time. I think one the way home Dad is picking up 2 and 3. I hope so).
I need to stop that off-the-subject habit. I just did it again. Whoops.
They turned on the music. That's where I was.
So they turned on the music and let me pick. Meanwhile, the an... anth... that guy... put something in my IV. What do you think that stands for? Intoxicated Venom? Icy Valentinish stuff? Invisible Validation? Isosceles Vexation? It's Valed? Illegal Vasportanium? Intimate Vaseline? In-your-Vein?
The stuff he put in looked like milk. It was thick and white and... cold. *shudder* *more shuddering* *ow*
The next thing I knew, I was waking up in what they called the "recovery room." It looked like a kitchen. It had the island and the cupboards filled with medicine and it had another bed with a man just waking up on it, too. When I woke up, I had a huge coughing fit and they had to put that thing in my nose that gives me oxygen.
Then they wheeled me in to my Mom. Yea!
After resting a little bit, they let me go. I had cotton balls and tape in the middle of my left arm, on my right hand, and on my neck.
The worst news of it all: I lost my magic trick. And the blood is showing through the tape. You can see a big splotch where it was numbed. No more magic trick.
Now I'm going through pictures of me as a kid. Tee, hee. I was so cute back then! What happened! I became a teenager, that's what.
Mom's birthday, as well as Michael's, also happened. And Grandmom and Granddad are going on their mission to Australia next month. Woo-whoo! That'll be fun for them!
Quote of Today: Mom, I know what I'm gonna get Daddy for his birthday. He's going to get a D.S. game for my D.S. and I'll let him play it for some minutes on Tuesdays.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Quick Update
I have 16 minutes until 8: 15, so here's a wrap-up of the past couple weeks in order of events-
-Matthew got better and Esther got very sick.
-New Years Day began as a sledding trip and ended as a trip... to the E.R... again. Who put that tree there? I obviously couldn't see it! I was backwards!
-The next day was Esther's birthday. She was still sick.
-After that was the baptisms and a lovely luncheon. Yum.
-The new semester started and I skipped the first two days of Musical Theatre. Day one: I thought I had health! Day two: Sick.
-I got blue and green braces on! Yeah, me!
-Matthew's birthday and party at Lehi pool.
-Grandmom took me to Day Murray Music Store to pick a bunch of new music. I love it!
Monday isn't school, so I don't have much to do besides a doctor's appointment. Leave me a comment to tell me what I should do. Not nothing. Ew.
Quote of Today: Music is like candy. You throw away the rappers.