Here I am, munching on peanut butter apples, thinking, blog. Blog. BLOG!!!
This post goes on forever. I hope you like to read!
Friday, August the 29, was Janessa's birthday. We skipped school (with permission) and went to the Timpanogas Storytelling Festival from 8:30 AM to 11:45 PM. I was an absolute blast! My favorite was Carmen Deedy. I bought one of her CDs and Sister James got it signed. It said, "To my buddy Elizabeth. From, Carmen Deedy, 2008."
To my buddy. MY BUDDY!!!
I gave Janessa thirteen lipglosses with matching candies. For instance, M&M's lipgloss went to a package of M&M's. My Mom and I (the geniuses of this idea) are both great with gifts.
We woke up the next morning and went (again) and went at 8:30 AM. It never got old. But it was on this night that... it... happened.
I started breathing funny. Thinking I just needed a drink, I headed for the ladies room. I bent down to get in a sip...
...but not before glancing at myself in the mirror.
If you can imagine a bright red, basketball-sized grape with tiny beads of sweat glistening near the "forehead" atop my pale shoulders, you know the beauty of what I saw in the mirror.
It was as beautiful as the homework assignment I just filled out. It's gonna get an A+ for sure!
It was an allergic reaction and I'm still flipping out about it.
No coincidence.
Matthew came down with an allergic reaction last week, too. My Mom is taking us all to get allergy strip tests done. (help me!)
And then...
If you forgot, then, uh, no biggie, just WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?
My birthday was on September ninth.
Kneaders... a B day... Spicy creamy chicken chip camera... locker decorated... lava lamp... polka dot socks day... all in all, one great day.
I submitted Tidbits (for all of you newcomers, that is my composition that was accepted to be published in Art City Music Academy's big 2008 composition book) and Tara loved it!
Today I went and ran a 5k with Dad.
I'm reading The Lightning Thief for the nine million and ninth time. SOOOOOO GOOD!
I revised my music on this blog today. Do you like it? Of course you do. Everyone knows I have great taste.
Now for the nine Quotes of Today to make up for my absence. First, I'll tell you where I got them:
1. One day, while I was doing research for my Science Fair Project (all of you procrastinators, come talk to me and... we'll have something to talk about) and I stumbled upon a site where you can write about your science project and have others give their opinion. Well, there was this one kid who wrote in and said, "My science teacher assigned our science project over a month ago. It's due tomorrow morning and I need something before my bedtime, which is in an hour! What happens to bread when it's left out for, like, forever?!?" So the science teacher wrote in and commented. He said stuff like, "The whole point of a science fair project is to learn!" (I like this guy!) So, I got this quote from that comment.
2. Okay, so, I had these goldfishie crackers this one day, and David saw them. Quote number two is his response (This was awhile ago. Someone please tell me if I got it wrong because I love it and don't want to get it wrong). I know Goldfish said something like this, but this is a lot better.
3. The new version of The Wheels on the Bus.
4. I get this one from a birthday card. It's so true to life!
5. One of my favorite road trip games is, "Slogans." It's where you drive through town looking at every slogan and you find the best one. This one is from Small J's Hardware Company.
6. From Mrs. McNaughton's poster. Check it out sometime at school.
7. Janessa made me swear on my life that I would quote her brother Andrew because he's funny. This is the only quote I have to give from him and I hate it. I hope no other nerd (like me) is ever caught saying this... by force. I'll do it tiny to weaken this guilty feeling.
8. Janessa and I were watching Sons of Provo yesterday and this is what Will says on the title scene page.
9. Last one. This is from one of the storytellers at the Festival.
Nine Quotes to Make Up for My Absence:
1. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, but do it yourself. Don't just buy the stuff labeled, 'From concentrate' and sell it off as freshly squeezed.
2. Goldfish?!? That's my favorite snack that smiles back!
3. The driver on the bus says, "Be quiet Lizzie!"
"Be quiet Lizzie!"
"Be quiet Lizzie!"
The driver on the bus says, "Be quiet Lizzie,"all through Cedar Hills.
4. When I was younger, I could remember everything. Even the things that hadn't happened.
5. We sell small tools!
6. Somedays you are the pigeon and somedays you are the statue.
7. The only reason they give me a D- is so they don't have to teach me again next year.
8. Welcome to Sons of Provo: The Movie. I sing it three times.
9. Y'all might be pretty. Hehe. But y'all are gonna die someday. Me? It's a gift from God. And I don't die, do ya hear?